Refleksi : Sangat penting dan bagus sekali seruan menteri agama agar tidak 
dilakukan razia pada tempat-tempat hiburan.  Kalau dilakukan  penyerbuan atau 
razia akan sangat merugikan pemilik tempat-tempat tsb.  Bisakah ditanya siapa 
saja pemilik tempat-tempat hiburan? Dan apakah dibolehkan penyerbuan ke 
tempat-tempat ibadah kaum Ahmadiyah dan Nasrani ?

Islamic groups told not to conduct raids on entertainment centers

Antara, Jakarta | Fri, 07/30/2010 9:34 PM | National 
Religious Affairs Minister Suryadarma Ali has asked Islamic groups in Indonesia 
not to conduct raids on entertainment centers ahead of the Islamic fasting 
month (which will start next month).

He made the request at the University of Sunan Gunung Djati in Bandung, West 
Java, on Friday, as certain Islamic organizations once tended to resort to 
violence in dealing with differences.

They must never resort to brutality when dealing with the differences, he said, 
adding that only the police had the right to conduct the raids.

"We hope the fasting month will proceed peacefully. In order to enable Muslims  
to carry out their religious duty properly non-Muslims are expected to show 
tolerance and respect," he said.

"In case there is any religious harassment by certain groups let the law 
enforcers deal with it," he said. "Just report the case if they find it 
disturbs their religious activity." 

Next week, he said, his office would announce the first day of fasting, based 
on the agreement between ulemas and the government on the result of 
calculations and sighting of the moon.
Related News >> 
  a.. Police to act against perpetrators of raids
  b.. NU bans raids on nightclubs
  c.. No raids ahead of Ramadan: Police chief

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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