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Thursday, August 05, 2010 
17:37 Mecca time, 14:37 GMT

Indonesia's water woes 

Indonesia is home to some of the world's dirtiest rivers, polluted by decades 
of domestic and industrial waste.

Every day untreated sewage and industrial waste are dumped directly into 
Jakarta's waterways.

Without access to clean water, many people wash, cook and drink from these 
polluted rivers and canals and up to 50,000 people die prematurely every year 
from poor sanitation.

Now, a $500mn clean-up plan promises to give Indonesia's rivers a new lease of 

But there are concerns that endemic corruption and mismanagement will get in 
the way.

This week on 101 East we ask: Can Indonesia save its rivers?

To discuss this, 101 East presenter Fauziah Ibrahim is joined by Donny Azdan, 
the director of the water and irrigation directorate of the National 
Development Planning Agency, Thomas Panella, a senior water resources 
management specialist for the Asian Development Bank, and Arimbi Heroepoetri, 
an environmental activist.

This 101 East episode airs from Thursday, August 5, 2010 at the following times 
GMT: Thursday: 1230; Friday: 0300; Saturday: 0530, 1730; Sunday: 1130; Monday: 
0030; Tuesday: 0600, 1430; Wednesday: 0830; Thursday: 0630

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