Parents lose custody of Adolf Hitler 
From: AP, AFP 
August 07, 2010 12:00AM 

A US court ruled yesterday that a New Jersey couple who gave their three 
children Nazi-themed names should not be allowed custody. 

The decision by the New Jersey State Appeals Court overruled a family court's 
decision that there was insufficient evidence of abuse by the parents, Heath 
and Deborah Campbell.

Their children -- whom they named Adolf Hitler Campbell, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation 
Campbell, Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell -- have been in foster care since 
January last year.

The case first came to public attention when a supermarket refused to decorate 
a birthday cake inscribed for Adolf Hitler Campbell.

The appeals court ruled on Thursday to "reverse" the previous court decision, 
saying that social workers had "proved the need for protective services for 
these children within the meaning of abuse or neglect".

The court said that Mr Campbell, 37, had never held a job because of medical 
and psychological disabilities, and that he could not read. Ms Campbell, 27, 
also had mental and physical problems.

The judges considered a note signed by Ms Campbell and given to a neighbour. In 
it she says that if she is found dead, her husband will be to blame.

Social workers were sent to investigate in December 2008 following reports 
"that the children were being strapped and confined for unusual amounts of time 
within the home in child booster seats and that domestic violence occurred in 
the home," the court said.

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