Aug 18, 2010  
     Mandaeans in struggle for existence
                  By Stephen Starr 

DAMASCUS - Last May, a group of armed men shot and blasted their way through a 
jewelry market in the Bayaa district of southwest Baghdad. Their target was the 
gold, jewels and cash located in the dozen or so stores located along the 
street. By the time this new breed of Iraqi terrorism had ended, 15 civilians 
were dead. Among the dead were Sabaen Mandaeans, followers of a little-known 
sect now on the verge of extinction. 

One man who worked in one of the stores was a cousin of Nasir Shathur, a 
Mandaean who lives in Cardiff, but who recently returned to Syria to receive 
baptism with his wife and young daughter. "The tragedy our family is going 
through is too much. The real crime here is seeing a two-year-old child looking 
for her dad at his funeral," he said. Her father was 25-year-old Arshad Amjad 
Kashmar, one of two Mandaeans killed in the attack. 

Mandaeans are followers of John the Baptist and moved from the Holy Land to the 
expanses of today's southern Iraq and southwest Iran around the second century 
AD. Their religious origins are thought to have been drawn independently of 
Christianity and may even be older. They are monotheists - thought to be the 
oldest in the Middle East - believing in a single god. 

Mandaeans are also Gnostics, believing in mysticism and a heightened role of 
the natural world. Very little has been recorded of the Mandaean religion and 
traditions and in principle people cannot convert to, or leave, the religion. 
They speak their own language and have quietly been struggling to keep their 
customs alive for almost 2,000 years. 

In Iraq, Mandaeans were drawn to becoming goldsmiths and jewelers, and known 
for being generally well-off, for generations. The attack in May stands as just 
one recent example of a series of tragedies facing these people in Iraq today. 

Under former president Saddam Hussein, Mandaeans were prohibited from 
practicing their religion in public and when the regime moved to crush the 
Shi'ite movements that revolted in the aftermath of the 1990 Gulf War, the 
Mandaean communities of the southern marshes were driven out of their homes. 

Before this, in the 1980s, Mandaeans were conscripted to fight in the war with 
Iran - a direct contravention to their religion which does not allow followers 
to handle weapons of any form. Hundreds died in this conflict. 

With the ousting of Saddam in 2003, Mandaeans were free to practice their 
religion. However, post-Saddam Iraq has proved far more damaging to this 
community. Targeted attacks on members of the Mandaean community have been 
recorded to number in the thousands. Kidnappings (by the end of last year 
recorded at 271 incidents), murders, forced conversions, and the fact that 
Mandaeans have no clan system in a society where tribal roots are sources of 
identity and protection, means they have no support or security in Iraq. 

Today, only about 5,000 Mandaeans remain in Iraq, with about 70,000 spread 
across 22 countries from Europe to Australia and the United States, with the 
vast majority in Damascus. Many now fear for the future of their religion. "In 
around 30 years I believe there will be no Mandaean religion left. Because of 
the war we have been thrown to the four corners of the world," said Youseff, 
(the name is changed to protect his identity), an elderly man. 

According to the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, Mandaeans have 
been the victims of targeting by extremist elements on the Internet, being 
denounced as "non-believers" or infidels who should be "exterminated". 

Mandaeans in Damascus have descended in numbers on the suburb of Jaramanah in 
the southeast of the capital, where tens and even hundreds of thousands of 
Iraqi refugees have been living for several years. 

Most in Damascus are waiting on the possibility of being relocated in Europe or 
North America. 

"I have been living the life of a Muslim since I moved here at the end of the 
1980s - we had to move from Basra because the Iran-Iraq war was starting to 
affect us a lot," said one woman who was receiving baptism along with her 
husband and teenage son. She said none of her neighbors in Damascus know that 
she is not a Muslim and that to tell them the truth at any stage would deeply 
damage her family's carefully casted reputation. 

One 20-something woman had to leave a well-paying position with an American aid 
organization in Baghdad when her family decided to leave for Syria. 

Youseff receives his Iraqi pension through a Syrian bank relayed from Baghdad. 
"I'm grateful to the Syrians - it's only a couple of hundred dollars per month 
but it's vital for me and my family." 

Life as refugees in Syria, however difficult, is a far preferred prospect than 
going back to Iraq. 

According to the Mandaean Human Rights Group Annual Report 2009, a 68-year-old 
Mandaean woman was killed in August 2004 for refusing to give her daughter to 
Islamic terrorists and then for refusing to pay a ransom for her return. The 
same woman had her son killed a year earlier in Basra by extremists. 

Hundreds of similar such incidents have been recorded. However, it is suspected 
that kidnappings and other attacks are often not being reported, with Mandaeans 
fearing a backlash from fundamentalist gangs. 

Many of the Mandaean women who are now refugees in Damascus recalled having to 
veil themselves when going outside and when finally, leaving the country. "The 
highways of western Iraq were extremely dangerous," said one woman. "In 2006 
and 2007, the situation was impossible; we had no choice but to leave the 

When celebrating religious ceremonies, Mandaeans dress in white cloth and use 
flowing water in almost any form possible as a central aspect in celebrations, 
in keeping with John the Baptist's own 2,000-year-old imagery. Others 
celebrating a day of weddings and baptisms in Damascus are studying to become 
Mandaean sheikhs, an honor that requires much dedication and commitment. Men 
must complete five separate "stages" before being able to perform official 
religious ceremonies. 

The idea of returning to Iraq is largely impossible for Mandaeans. Yet, having 
seen savings fall away, many do not have a choice. What has greeted them has, 
in many cases been shocking. Abdul Kareem Mutashar Sbahi al-Ghaelani was 
deported from Denmark in December 2006 and in March the following year he was 
kidnapped and forced to pay a ransom before fleeing Iraq again. Another man was 
killed less than 24 hours after returning from Jordan. The Mandaean 
Associations Union reported he had exhausted his funds and was forced to return 
to Baghdad in search of work. 

"Millions of dollars have been donated to help save the panda - are we less 
than an animal, this animal?" asked Youseff. "We need help and we need to move 
to a third country - Iraq is over for us, we can never dream of going back 

Stephen Starr is a Damascus-based Irish freelance journalist. 

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