On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, Jose Luis Diaz de Arriba. wrote:

> On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, Carlos Abalde wrote:
> carlos> Hi Marcus,
> carlos> 
> carlos> It works fine! I think that the solution it's a bit annoying when
> carlos> there are a lot of transparent bitmaps, but it's better than
> carlos> nothing! :) It would be perfect a script doing this work...
> carlos> I'll try to do it un my spare time.
> Did you try the utility bemps? I think that it can manage transparent PNGs
> when converting it to EPS. 

I was searching that utility in google buy I haven't found it...
Could you give me an URL? It's packaged in Debian?

Thanks in advance.

| Carlos Abalde Ramiro           | http://www.lfcia.org/~carlos |
| LFCIA Lab                      | http://www.lfcia.org         |
| Dept. of Computer Science      | http://www.dc.fi.udc.es      |
| University of A Coruņa (Spain) | http://www.udc.es            |

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