\usepackage[pdfborder={0 0 0}]{hyperref}


I'd like to hear opinions about the following behaviour.

If you have a multilevel page, links set by \verb#\hyperref{}{}#
are active on all builds of the page. Therefore, you can accidentally 
activate them, before even nowing where they'll point to. Try the
example below, 

Here will be the hyperlink 
\textgreater\pause\hyperlink{hell}{Invisible Link}\pause\pauselevel{=1}\textless

(Yes, pdfbporder removed the box around the link,
 but you'll notice by the change of the mouse cursor)

It seems that links are some kind of ``page attribute'' and 
are being propagated/copied to the individual builds.

Is there any way around this ?  


Attachment: example.pdf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: msg00622/pgp00000.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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