On Mon, 13 Oct 2003, Klaus Guntermann wrote:

> Bodo von Billerbeck writes:
>  > The scenario is the following:
>  > - using xfig, I mix xfig objects (such as lines and boxes) and imported
>  >   objects (such as gifs or jpgs);
>  > - I then use "fig2dev -L mmp input.fig ouput.mp"
>  > - finally I use metapost: "mpost output.mp"
>  > mpost (Version 0.641 (Web2C 7.3.1)) complains that "Picture objects are
>  > not supported!"
> This is indeed a limitation of the mpost output. Unfortunately I am
> not aware of a workaround for this.
> Why do you need to modify/enhance the gifs and/or jpegs with xfig?
> Can't you produce them completely in the first step?

I have now reproduced the images using x-fig, but thought I could save
myself some time by just including suitable jpgs that I found.
For other purposes though this wouldn't work (such as composing a page
that includes photos).

I found another feature of the xfig-fig2dev-mpost chain:
only layers that have at least 1 empty layer in-between get separated
out. For instance, if you have graphics on layers 5, 6 and 8, you will
get two frames, one that includes the graphics from layers 5 and 6 and a
second frame that includes graphics from layer 8.

>  > PS: while checking previous posts I came accross the hint to use
>  > \pageDuration{}
>  > (\newcommand{\pageDuration}[1]{\hypersetup{pdfpageduration={#1}}})
>  > Using an argument of 0.02 (ie \pageDuration{0.02}), 1 or 2 doesn't seem
>  > to do anything. What is a good argument to use?
> This does not have any relation to the question above, does it?

sorry, not directly, I thought I add this "while I'm at it":)

> What are you trying to achieve?

I vaguely thought of generating a fig that includes a stack of sheets of
paper and would build up the stack automatically by adding one sheet at
a time with an interval of a - say - 0.1 seconds. Purely for the visual
effect that this would have in a presentation.

> Which environment do you use?

Linux Redhat 8.1, using pdflatex and the .sty files supplied on the
Ppower4 home page.
pdflatex -v displays:
pdfTeX (Web2C 3.14159-0.14h-released-20010417
kpathsea version

I was just after a simple example using \pageDuration, but I couldn't
find a complete example on the web...

Thank you for writing and maintaining ppower4, which is excellent. Much
Bodo Billerbeck

btw: where can I send bug reports for ppower4?

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