Klaus Guntermann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

: Indeed that would be nice. But I do not have an idea how to achieve
: that. 
: The problem is that \pause inserts something into the resulting pdf/dvi
: output stream to control the post processor. Thus there is some care
: needed to place the uses properly, because TeX may insert glue before
: or after the almost invisible \pause, if you do not take care.
: Because of this the manual suggests to put the \pause close to printed
: material.

In my experience vertical layout only screws up between paragraphs.
Most of the time it helps to put the pause at the end of the paragraph
after which you want a pause. Make sure to put it immediately after
something that is printable.

If you put the pause at the start of a paragraph before which you want a pause
then in my experience the vertical layout frequently (if not always) screws up....


Marc van Dongen

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