
I have seen a kind of animation using the texpower style fyle!
in texmf\doc\latex\texpower folder there is examples with this!

The package which able the "pageduration" command is the hyperref and non 
need ppower4 a priori.

Elsewhere, I made a very non usual way for "play" something. But, yet, I 
stress that, animations in the latex compiled files could not produce the 
desired format as obtained from powerpoint facilities. However, yet, without 
find a best way to do it using the ppower4 facilities.

I have been seen too a kind of private distribution (a fee to get the 
package) from "utopia" company (?) and they use a special package to 
permit "open" external files in various format previously created 
like .mpeg .gif and more. I think that it is possible to do without pay, but 
they found a way to pay their counts, with a thing which born to be a free 
distribution, but...

I think that the problem with the animations in latex and tex distributions 
in general is the dependence on the "clock" of the machine which will depend 
upon your processor speed. For example, if you have a computer with 1Ghz the 
minimum step of the command

\pdfpageduration (renewed by most users to \pageDuration) 

is 0.01 seconds. So it can be very good performed by a machine with that 
configuration but not the same would be observed in a, e.g, 800MHz, what to 
say of a 400MHz. The powerpoint like presentations don´t have this kin of 
dependence on the machine clock and I think that this would be the challenge 
for the latex programmers to find a way to "disentangle" this.

But, I may be wrong on my asertions!

I hope that this helps in some way!

Best Regards!



> Hallo,
> kann man Animationen in ppower derart gestalten, daß z.B. alle '0.5s'
> ein neues Bild geladen wird? 
> Vielen Dank.
> -- 
> Ralf Müller
> Institut für Kristallographie   Tel: 0241 80 96906
> RWTH Aachen                   Fax: 0241 80 92184
> D-52056 Aachen 


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