Hello together,

I would like to implement a table of contents into my ppower4 talk.
For example like this:
You click onto the pagenumber on the bottom of the slides and get to a slide 
with all foiltitles equipped with hyperlinks to the corresponding pages.

The link on every page to the contents-slide is like:
    \textcolor{footblue}{\it F\,$\thepage$} 

The contents-slide (first page before the titlepage) looks like:
\item \hyperlink{page.1}{Outline}
\item \hyperlink{page.2}{Coherent Control}

Now it would be great if one could automate the generation of the contents- 
slide. Maybe someone has an idea about it??
It would be even more sophisticated if a menu containing the pagelinks would 
pop up instead of a contents-slide.



Tobias Witting
AG Prof. Zacharias, Physikalisches Institut,
Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet
Wilhelm-Klemm-Str. 10, D-48149 Muenster
office: +49 251 83-36333
lab   : +49 251 83-39061
fax   : +49 251 83-33604

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