Scouts in Hong Kong are working to promote environmental 
sustainability and an understanding of the planet in which we live. 

Hong Kong faces environmental challenges similar to those of many 
other industrialised countries. Most of the population has a sense 
of how to protect the environment, but not many people are taking 
action. The Hong Kong Scouts aim to create greater awareness for the 
environment, spread key messages on environmental protection and so 
achieve greater environmental sustainability.
There are many varied plans being developed for the Scouts and their 

- The Hong Kong Observatory will be invited to give lectures and 
support visits for a 'Meteorological Course', and special 'Gifts for 
Peace' badges will be awarded to participants. This Meteorological 
Course aims to promote an understanding of our planet and the 
environment in which we live. 

- Regions and Districts will be invited to organise more 
Environmental Protection Ambassador Courses, also with badges for 
participants. This Environmental Protection Ambassador Course will 
provide opportunities for Scout Members to discuss environmental 
issues. Upon completion of the course, Scouts can become ambassadors 
for the promotion of environmental protection in Hong Kong. 

- Scouts will be able to visit dolphins with a local organisation 
and learn about marine life. 

- Scouts will work on environmental projects, for example 
constructing environmental restrooms at the Hong Kong Gilwell 
Campsite as well as organising hiking and farming activities, e.g. 
planting exercises and "Scout Farm" and "Roots to Shoots" 
activities. The results of these projects should hopefully encourage 
participants to self-reflect and use more eco-friendly products in 
the future. 

- Scouts will increase community awareness of environmental 
protection and conservation issues, making environmental 
sustainability a priority both now and for future generations. 

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