Salam Pramuka,

Hari ini saya iseng-iseng membuka wikipedia dan menemukan entry 
calon bantara. Saya terkejut melihat adanya penggunaan epolet calon 

Saya kutip selengkapnya 
Calon Bantara is a transition level in Gerakan Pramuka – the 
Indonesian Scouting organization – between Boy Scout and Rover 
Scout. In this level, a member learns the basics of Penegak level, 
also called Troop guest. In this level, in some regions, the Scout 
leader gives a shoulder loop for the Cadet. Eventhough the shoulder 
loop is not an official shoulder loop, it is well known in some 
places and is often called the CARA shoulder loop. CARA is short for 
Bantara Cadet. The loop consists of the picture of Kujang, a 
traditional weapon in West Java and the word CARA .

Di Wikipedia gambar epolet termaksud bisa dilihat. 

Di Kwarcab mana di Jawa Barat epolet ini dipakai ??

Maaf saja, improvisasi ini mengaburkan tradisi penggunaan epolet 
yang telah mempunyai sejarah yang panjang dan makna yang dalam.

Hendro Prakoso

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