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Oto przyklady:

----- Original Message -----
From: "jasiek z toronto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Multiple recipients of list prawica" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 8:28 AM
Subject: Prawica: Lichwiarski system w Federal Reserve - ujawniony...

>                   Blockbuster cover story exposes
>                   Federal Reserve
>                   How your money -- and life --
> are controlled by
>                   America's banking system
>                   C 2001
>                   "It is well enough that people
> of the nation do not
>                   understand our banking and
> monetary system, for if
>                   they did, I believe that there
> would be a revolution
>                   before morning." --Henry Ford
>                   A major investigative exposé of
> the Federal Reserve
>                   System will lead off the
> upcoming March edition of
>                   WorldNetDaily's sister offline
> print publication, the monthly
>                   WorldNet magazine.
>                   Veteran journalist Anne
> Williamson, who has written for
>                   the Wall Street Journal and the
> New York Times, has
>                   authored a definitive and
> eye-opening analysis of the
>                   nation's banking system for
> WorldNet.
>                   The in-depth, 11,000-word report
> begins this way:
>                   "Congress passed the Federal
> Reserve Act on the 22nd of
>                   December 1913, and from that day
> forward the United
>                   States of America ceased to be a
> Republic."
>                   From that jarring opening salvo,
> Williamson launches into a
>                   critical history of money,
> banking, the Federal Reserve,
>                   how the Fed manipulates
> elections and markets, who is
>                   behind the Fed, and much more.
>                   Typically, press treatment of
> the Federal Reserve -- an
>                   organization shrouded with
> mystery since its inception in
>                   1913 -- amounts either to
> establishment propaganda or
>                   conspiracy-mongering hysteria.
> So WorldNet sought out a
>                   true expert -- a journalist who
> has testified before
>                   Congress -- to write this
> startling cover story.
>                   Beginning with the March issue,
> WorldNet is featuring
>                   each month a major "big-picture"
> cover story exploring one
>                   of the truly crucial issues of
> the day -- often ignored,
>                   distorted or downplayed by the
> establishment press -- but
>                   which directly affect Americans'
> lives.
>                   The April issue, for example,
> will explore whether the 16th
>                   Amendment -- the one that
> introduced the income tax --
>                   was ever actually ratified. It
> will examine major issues and
>                   controversies surrounding the
> income tax today, and will
>                   also focus on the many citizens
> who are openly challenging
>                   the Internal Revenue Service.
>                   The May issue will feature
> another major exposé, this one
>                   on the International Monetary
> Fund and the World Bank.
>                   Future issues will cover the
> drug war, abortion, the United
>                   Nations and globalization,
> radical environmentalism,
>                   evolution, gun control, secret
> societies, education, and
>                   Christian persecution in the
> U.S., among others.
>                   The editorial staff of
> WorldNetDaily and WorldNet urge
>                   readers not to miss these
> critical editions slated for the
>                   next year. Although individual
> issues sell for $7.50, a
>                   one-year subscription costs only
> $36 for 12 monthly issues.
>                   Readers may subscribe to
> WorldNet by visiting
>                   WorldNetDaily's online store.
>                       E-mail to a friend
> Printer-friendly version
> =================
> zapodal
> jasiek z toronto

I nastepny przyklad:

----- Original Message -----
From: "jasiek z toronto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Multiple recipients of list prawica" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 7:12 AM
Subject: Prawica: HAARP-SYSTEM - full power...

> Radio. Has Space War Begun?
> -BJNews by Marshall Smith
> As of this morning, Saturday Feb 17, 2001, HAARP
> began doing testing with greatly increased FULL
> power.
> The transmitter can now be heard all day long on
> 3.39
> MHz.
> Very early this morning about 3 AM, HAARP could be
> heard at it's "old" normal signal strength. About
> 4 AM the signal changed in both its pulse timing
> and
> inter-pulse spacing. At 4:30 AM the signal
> strength suddenly increased tremendously.
> Unlike previous mornings, there was no regular
> F-layer daytime fade out when the sun rose here in
> California about 6:45 AM. I continued to monitor
> during the
> daylight. I have never heard the HAARP signal
> during the daytime before. The sun now rises in
> Gakona
> Alaska about 10 AM PST. The received signal again
> increased from about S5 to S9 at 10:05 AM. With
> sunlight at
> both the transmitter and receiver there is no
> F-layer
> skip to bend the powerful signal around the
> planet.
> This means this is an extremely powerful direct
> groundwave signal. And I'm only receiving the
> leakage off the
> side lobes of the antenna array.
> The full HAARP design power is supposed to be
> about 350 Megawatts. But that is only the
> published
> spec, not necessarily what is done in practice (as
> in
> those CB'rs running illegal 1KWatt linear
> amplifiers).
> There is a planned Air Force "Star Wars" test with
> two
> vehicles, one from California and the other in the
> south Pacific, similar to last summer's failed
> test.
> The tentative published launch is set for late
> March or April. I will monitor HAARP to confirm it
> is
> running full power during the launch, as it was
> last summer.
> Last summer's "failure" is exactly what a HAARP
> device is supposed to do; destroy the electronic
> controls
> of a vehicle so the second stage cannot separate
> from
> the booster. A very cheap, simple way to knock
> down
> missiles launched from anywhere on the planet. It
> also can destroy military satellites in low orbit.
> Maybe that's why the Russians and Chinese have
> been
> complaining in the last several weeks about Bush's
> intention to "build" the star wars system. Maybe
> they've been losing some of their "secret
> hardware."
> But of course, they won't say that in public.
> Its now 11 AM PST, on Saturday the 17th, and the
> signal is blasting in with the powerful pre-pulse
> tone around S+20 and the main signal about S9. The
> signal varies 3 to 6 db over a series of several
> pulses.
> Since this is not due to F-layer skip fading, I
> must assume they are slewing the beam of the
> antenna in
> various directions, and thus changing the amount
> of the side lobes in this direction. This must be
> a
> test of a simulated space warfare game with
> multiple
> targets. Rapid slewing of the antenna in just a
> matter of a minute or two is not useful for
> submarine
> communication, nor for their stated purpose of
> doing "ionospheric research."
> To show the HAARP signal is abnormally large, at
> this time, the 80 meter band is silent and WWV at
> 5 MHz
> cannot be heard, as would be expected during the
> daytime. WWV at 10 MHz is barely heard but does
> not even register on the S meter. Tuning back to
> 3.39
> MHz, the S meter jumps off the top of the scale.
> Even
> the extremely powerful Russian "woodpecker"
> transmitters during the cold-war never did that,
> and they were
> aimed along the ground not out into space. I have
> no way to estimate how many Gigawatts that
> represents.
> It may be only coincidence but just several days
> ago, Russia announced it will be conducting a
> massive
> space war game, including the launch of numerous
> missiles, from both ground sites and submarines.
> Of course
> this is only a coincidence. You Think. Check out
> the
> details in Bill Gertz's article Russian forces
> conduct massive war-games exercise . And then
> don't forget
> you read it first in BroJon Gazette.
> For more information about HAARP, how the
> transmitter works and to hear what the transmitter
> sounds
> like, go back to the front page article about the
> facility and follow the links there.
> ************
> I should point out in 1985 a number of Air Force
> ER-135 electronic warfare planes were shot down in
> the Sea of Japan. They were apparently making a
> covert
> entry into soviet airspace to test the latest
> Russian technology. What the Air Force did not
> know then
> was the Soviets had developed a stealth fighter so
> the
> 135's never saw the Russians coming and all 5 of
> the US e-warfare planes were shot down. To cover
> this
> "covert" event, the US shot down a 747, a plane
> similar to the 135's (or modified Boeing 707's
> whose parts are very similar to a 747) so if plane
> parts
> are found in the Sea of Japan they are claimed to
> be
> the 747. This is the supposed "Russian" shoot down
> of
> Korean Airlines Flight 800, on Sept 15, 1985. I
> remember the event well, since it is my son's
> b-day.
> The proof of a covert event with stealth Russian
> fighters shooting down 5 Air Force ER-135's is
> documented in R.W. Johnson's book, SHOOTDOWN,
> published in 1986. The most convincing evidence is
> the strange fact that 27 US active duty electronic
> warfare officers somehow end up on the passenger
> list
> among the dead on the civilian Flight 800 going to
> Korea. I only point this out to show how high tech
> secret
> warfare between Russia and the US may result in
> deaths and the destruction of hardware, and yet is
> never
> reported to the public.
> The US did not announce and demonstrate deployment
> of its own stealth fighters until the Gulf War in
> '90-91, five years later. In 1991, three events
> occurred,
> (1) the US demonstrates stealth fighter-bombers
> which
> can travel anywhere in the world without
> detection,
> (2) the announcement of the construction of HAARP
> which would neutralize all soviet missiles coming
> over
> the pole, and
> (3) the collapse of the Soviet Union. To
> see these as unrelated events is to miss the point
> of
> history.
> At the present time, both the Russian's and
> Chinese have demonstrated their ability and
> inclination to
> engage in warfare, especially space warfare. It
> would thus seem clear the "coincidence" of the
> massive
> Russian war games and the sudden increase in the
> output of HAARP in a warfare mode, would indicate
> that on this Presidents Day Weekend 2001, warfare
> is
> actually occurring, not just games. Just as in
> 1985, when planes were destroyed and US airmen
> died, the
> story was completely covered up, but it
> nonetheless had great implications on the
> relations between
> the governments of the world.
> There are, of course, no airmen on the Russian
> missiles, nor the Chinese and Russian satellites
> in orbit. This is the new hi-tech robotic remote
> control warfare of outer space. But, the "war
> games" are
> real, nonetheless. The massive increase in the
> output of
> HAARP, under the control of the Air Force's Space
> Vehicles Command which operates HAARP and has the
> mission of engaging in space warfare, would
> indicate a lot of expensive space hardware is now
> biting the
> dust. The Russians will claim their exercise was a
> "success." The Chinese who have just lost their
> "eyes in orbit" will say nothing. And the US will
> claim,
> as usual, "What, who me? HAARP hasn't been in
> operation since October '99." But you can listen
> for
> yourself on any shortwave receiver by tuning to
> 3.390 MHz.
> Good
> Listening.

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Waldemar Dworakowski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Multiple recipients of list prawica" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 10:26 PM
Subject: Re: Prawica: M_Adamus do Kieresa

> Stanisław Błaszczak wrote:
> >   ----------------------------------------------------------------
> >                           Name: M_Adamus do IPN.doc
> >    M_Adamus do IPN.doc    Type: Microsoft Word (application/msword)
> >                       Encoding: base64
> Prosze nie wysylac dokumentow w formie DOC, XLS i podobnie.
> Osoby ktore beda to robily zawiesze w prawach uczestnika
> listy...
> WD


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