August 20, 2003

Another terrorism suspect at the Pentagon's prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba,
has tried to kill himself, the second such attempt in as many weeks.

This week's suicide attempt was the 31st since the high-security prison
opened in January 2002, Pentagon spokeswoman Lt. Cmdr. Barbara Burfeind said
Wednesday. She said the suicide attempt happened in the last few days but
could not be more specific.

Twenty prisoners have tried to kill themselves, some more than once. None
have so far succeeded.

Most attempts occurred this year, which officials and critics alike have
attributed to the effects of indefinite detentions on prisoner morale. Some
of the prisoners have been held for more than a 18 months without charges,
access to lawyers or indications of whether or when they may be freed.

U.S. authorities are holding some 660 prisoners from 42 countries at
Guantanamo on suspicion of links to the al-Qaida terrorist network or
Afghanistan's fallen Taliban regime.

President Bush has named six prisoners who could be tried before military
tribunals. The next step is for a chief prosecutor to draft charges against

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