Friday, March 3, 2000
Army 'psyops' at CNN
News giant employed military 'psychological operations' personnel
By Geoff Metcalf

CNN employed active duty U.S. Army psychological operations personnel last
year, WorldNetDaily has confirmed through several sources at Fort Bragg and

Maj. Thomas Collins, U.S. Information Service has confirmed that "psyops"
(psychological operations) personnel, soldiers and officers, have worked in
the CNN headquarters in Atlanta. The lend/lease exercise was part of an Army
program called "Training With Industry." According to Collins, the soldiers
and officers, "... worked as regular employees of CNN. Conceivably, they
would have worked on stories during the Kosovo war. They helped in the
production of news."

When asked if the introduction of military personnel into a civilian news
organization was standard operating procedure, one source said, "That
question is above my pay grade ... but I hope so. It's what we do."

The CNN military personnel were members of the Airmobile Fourth
Psychological Operations Group, stationed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. One
of the main tasks of this group of almost 1200 soldiers and officers is to
spread 'selected information.' Critics say that means dissemination of

Cable News Network suffered a major embarrassment in the wake of the
'Tailwind' story it aired, alleging the U.S. government used lethal sarin
gas to kill suspected defectors during the Vietnam war. After WorldNetDaily
was the first news organization to expose the fraudulent news production,
two CNN producers were fired and, eventually, CNN veteran reporter Peter
Arnett also was ousted. In that case, Retired Air Force Maj. Gen. Perry
Smith quit his long-time job as a military adviser to CNN.

What about now? Has the U.S. military been in a position to have influenced
directly CNN's news reports about the crisis in Kosovo?

Collins claims a "handful" of military assets were assigned to CNN for weeks
"to get to know the company and to broaden their horizons." The Major
asserts "they didn't work under the control of the army."

Several sources have confirmed the temporary outplacement of U.S. Army
psyops personnel started two or three years ago, and they have been
integrated into "various sectors of society." The assignment durations have
been short-term up to one full year, depending on the mission. When asked,
"What were the missions?" responses to WND varied from "No comment.", "...
need to know," to smiles, and, in one case, an obscene recommendation.

CNN is the most watched and widely viewed news outlet in the world. During
Operation Desert Storm, Saddam Hussein regularly watched CNN for battlefield
intelligence. The symbiotic, intimate relationship between CNN and army
psyops specialists has raised many eyebrows, with critics saying it raises
doubts about CNN's journalistic integrity and independence.

The Fourth Psyop Group has been involved in the Gulf War, the Bosnian War
and the Kosovo crisis. American psyops troops attempt to influence media and
public opinion in armed conflicts in which American state interests are said
to be at stake.

News coverage of the war in Kosovo, by CNN and other media, has been
criticized as "one-sided, overly emotional, over-simplified and relying too
heavily on NATO officials," observed a report from the Netherlands.

CNN has not thus far commented officially on the allegations. Megan Mahoney,
a CNN spokeswoman recently said, "I don't believe that we would employ
military personnel; it doesn't seem like something we would normally do."
However, now that the U.S. Army Information Service has confirmed the news,
Mahoney said she would have to contact CNN's senior officials.

Geoff Metcalf is a staff reporter for WorldNetDaily.

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