This mailing is being sent to over 13,600 parents and professionals 
interested in keeping up with new research on ADHD. 

If you are no longer wish to receive this information, just  
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] and type unsubscribe preview in 
the body of your message.

Are you a health care professional?  I have started a second
list to better meet your needs.  To switch to this new list, just
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] and I will make the change.


I hope that the new year has gotten off to a safe and happy start
for you and your family.

There are 3 brief things I wanted to let you know about.

1. To start the new year I have changed the 3 issues that are
available for people to preview.  These issues were sent out
to subscribers during the last 3 months of 1999 and contain
detailed reviews of 12 recently published studies.

These will be issues that you have not seen, although you may
have received a sample article from each issue when I sent
you a preview of these issues.

In any event, if you'd like to view these issues the first
one is posted at:  http://www.helpforadd.com/preview1.htm

You'll find links there to view the other issues.

2. As I am generally unable to respond to individual
questions via email because of the number that I receive, I 
will be holding monthly on-line chat sessions this year.

The first chat will be held on Wednesday, January 5th at
9:30 PM Eastern Standard Time.  These chats are free, but
are hosted on a different site than my own and you will 
need to register to get into the chat room.

If you go to http://www.add.idsite.com/index2.html and click 
on the banner that says "Click here to chat" you will get the 
instructions you need.  (There are a lot of banners on this
page so it will take a while to load.) The chat room is run by 
Yahoo and it takes a few minutes to register. So, if you'd like 
to take part, it would be a good idea to give yourself some 
time to do this.

3.  If you have not yet requested the ADHD Monitoring System,
I'd like to encourage you to do so.  This system makes it easy
for parents of elementary school children to carefully track
how their child is doing at school and to determine when 
changes to your child's treatment may be necessary.

I used to include this as a bonus for new subscribers but am now
making it available regardless of whether people decide to
subscribe to the newsletter.  To receive it just click on this
email link mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] and hit send when the
message window pops up.  It will be sent to you automatically and
you do not need to type anything in your message.

If the email link is not active, just send a blank message to

Thanks for your attention.  I hope you find information in 
the new preview issues that is helpful to you.


David Rabiner, Ph.D.
Licensed Psychologist
Duke University

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in the BODY of the message.

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