A beautifull day,

i have implemented the Sieve of Helmes and calculate it for x to 10^11.
The sieve of Helmes is another prime generator, which has nothing to do with 
the sieve of Eratosthenes.
It bases on quadratic polynoms and the periodic occurence of the primes in the 

I found Primes, some of them bigger than 2^64
Is there a real chance to find factors of Mersenne numbers ?

I would like to calculate the primes on these polynom up to 10^12 or higher, 
but my algorithm
needs for that approximately 1 Terabyte of disk space, but approximately only 
12 days of runtime to 
calculate the primes.

I tried to check some Mersenne Numbers, where no factors are found, but i did 
not succeed.

You can find all Mersenne Numbers on the polynom f(x)=2x^2-1 since you can 
write 2^p-1 = 2*2^[(p-1)/2] -1
f(2)=7, f(4)=17, f(8)=127 and so on (f(2^((p-1)/2))=2^p-1
Therefore all factors of Mersenne Numbers can be found on these special polynom.
Beside you find all primes mod 8 = 1 or 7 on these polynom, but not in an order.
The primes mod 8 = 3 or 5 could not be a factor of Mersenne Numbers.
Therefore half of the primes could be eleminated for the search.

I needed approximately 30h on an Athlon (4000) with 4GB Ram and 100MB disk 
space for calculating 10^11.

A basic Implementation can be found under 

Best regards from the primes
Bernhard Helmes
www.devalco.de         Development of Algorithmic Constructions
www.rabbitweb.de      Jugglevideos
www.beablue.de         personal web page

Tel.: 0241 / 99 77 55 22 in Germany (0049)

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