Stephan Grupp wrote:
> I assume transfer of v4 credit to v5 is bugged. I linked my old
> userIDs to the new one, and I see a big transfer of CPU time, but it is
> not reflected in ranking. Is this known and on a fix list?

Yes, there are known problems in transferring v4 credit to v5 (including that 
one IIRC) and showing them on all the appropriate reports.  They are being 
worked on.  They and other v5-associated problems have been reported to, mainly (and preferably) in the threads titled "OFFICIAL 
'SERVER PROBLEMS' THREAD", "Prime95 version 25.7" and "PrimeNet 5.0 Upgrade" in 
the PrimeNet subforum.  Those working on the migration and bug-fixing regularly 
read all new posts in those threads.

There are also several other threads reporting and discussing particular 
problems.  (It would be easier for bug-fixing if they had been reported in one 
of the three main thread I list above, but since those are crowded with 
postings, it's understandable that folks start new threads.)  A nonexhaustive 
list: "v5 security problems", "v4_computer vs. Machine Name anomaly", "N/A in 
my worktodo.txt file?", "Can I quickly unreserve & get my assignments back?", 
"Prime95 v25.7 Invalid CPU type", for instance.

Some other problem report threads are in the Software 
subforum: "Don't understand instructions for upgrading to v25", "v25.7 Destroys 
PrimeNet v4 work-in-progress", "v25.7 linux: MaxLoad/MinLoad" for instance.

- - -

To all:

Let me once again stress that _the data is not lost_.  It's on the (offline) v4 
PrimeNet system, but not yet completely transferred to the online v5 system, 
and so not yet completely accessible online.  Please, _do not delete any of 
your own save files or other records of past work because you despairingly (but 
incorrectly) think your credits are gone_!  It will take a while to get 
everything working properly on v5, but there is no reason whatsoever to 
conclude that any of your past work reported to v4 will not eventually show up 
properly on v5.

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