I have new and interesting results on Mersenne numbers. It can also be used 
for the primality 
 My article is Possiamo usare diversamente i numeri di Wagstaff?

 Wagstaff numbers have the potential still unexplored, and their definition is: 
W = (2 ^ p +1) / 3 (1) 

In (1) there are several things to highlight: 

1) W is first 
2) 3 is first 
3) 1 is coprime 
4) p is prime 

Generalizing we are working, then, with expressions like: 

2 ^ x = p1 + p2 * p3 ^ 2 or p1 = p2 * p3 - x (2) 

where p1, p2, p3, and x are first 

In (2) p2, compared to (1), has the role of 3, p3, the role of the role of 1 W 

Suppose at x = 1 to (2) leads to these conclusions: 

p1 = log2 (p2-p3 * x) (3) 

Then from (3) for a given P1 (because there is assigned the Mersenne number 2 ^ 

if p2 is fixed (the denominator in (1)) and if x = 1, then by varying p3 

we obtain the equality (3). 

In particular, with x = 1 the largest number of equalities is obtained for p2 = 

Another way to exploit the (2) is, if x = 1: 
Mp = 2 ^ p1-1 = p2 * p3-2 (4) 
Mp +2 = p2 * p3 (5) 

The (5) says that Mp +2 is a composite number (semiprime) derived from the 
product of 2 primes (referred to by numbers instead Wagstaff know that p2 = 3). 

Theorem (Rosario Turco): 
Necessary and sufficient condition so that Mp = 2 ^ p-1 is a prime number is 
that all three conditions are true: 
1) p is prime and of any shape (4k +1 or 4k +3) 
2) If p = 4k +3 S = 2p +1 be non-prime 
3) Mp +2 = 3 * p 

Ex: 2 ^ 3-1 = 7 Mersenne prime 

then 1) is true, the 2) also, for the 3) is: 7 +2 = 3 * 3 which Mp is prime 

2 ^ p1 = p2 * p3 - x 

Interesting to see if x is not 1, so (2) becomes:  

Mp = 2 ^ p1 -1 = p2 * p3 - x - 1 (6) 

equivalent to: 
Mp + x +1 = p2 * p3 

We will see that also serve two conditions: 

x +1 = p1-1 
p2 = p1 

Mp+p1-1 = p1 * p3 (7)    or Mp=p1*p3-(p1-1)

With the generalization (7) was born 

Theorem (Rosario Turco): 
Necessary and sufficient condition so that Mp = 2 ^ (p1-1) is a prime number is 
that all three conditions: 
1) p1 is a prime number and any shape (4k +1 or 4k +3) 
2) If p1 = 4k +3 then S = 2p1 + 1 must be non-prime 
3) Mp + p1-1 = p1 * p3                 with p3 prime number 

Now we will see why (7) is true: 

If in (6) say for example: 

x = 3 
Mp + 4 = p2 * p3 

Ex: 2 ^ 3-1 = 7 Mersenne prime 

7 +4 = 11 first 11 is impossible, because x +1 = 4 is not good 
7 +2 = 3 * 3 OK!! 2 ^ 7-1 is prime. 

Note that in 3 * 3 is just the exponent p1 = 3 Mp = 2 ^ 3-1 

2 ^ 5-1 = 31 
31 + 4 = 35 = 5 * 7 = 35 then 31 is a Mersenne prime! 
Note that in 5 * 7 is precisely the exponent p1 = 5 Mp = 2 ^ 5-1 

2 ^ 7-1 = 127 
127 + 6 = 133 = 7 * 19 

2 ^ 13-1 + 12 = 8191 +12 = 8203 = 13 * 631 

x +1 = p1-1 

The (6), without generalization has another interest. 

If p3 is chosen as a big prime number (eg 127) it would be to test the 
with initially smaller prime number or you can check that 

(Mp + p1-1) / p3 = p1 (8) 


2 ^ 13-1 = 12 + (8191 + 12) / 631 = 13.


So I must search a divisor p3 of Mp+p1-1 such that the (8) is true.


Rosario Turco
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