                Primetime on MSNBC
Monday, October 6, 2003
BUCHANAN AND PRESS <http://Buchananandpress.msnbc.com>
6PM - 7PM ET/3PM - 4PM PT
The gloves-off debate on if the media is unfairly targeting Arnold 
in the last days of the California recall.. 
And later, 
Former CIA Agent Larry Johnson reveals with the latest on the White House/CIA
identity leak controversy.
Buchanan and Press tonight at 6 on MSNBC.

HARDBALL WITH CHRIS MATTHEWS <http://hardball.msnbc.com>
7PM - 8PM ET/ 4PM - 5PM PT
On the eve of the California Recall vote --
Chris Matthews is live in Los Angeles, 
separating the pretenders from the contenders.
Hardball with Chris Matthews. Tonight at 7 on MSNBC.

COUNTDOWN WITH KEITH OLBERMANN <http://countdown.msnbc.com>
8PM - 9PM ET/ 5PM - 6PM PT
He was stranded in a Paris airport-for 15 years!
Now see how a traveler's odyssey is on the verge of becoming
the next Spielberg/Hanks blockbuster.
Countdown with Keith Olbermann. Tonight at 8 on MSNBC.

HARDBALL WITH CHRIS MATTHEWS< http://www.abramsreport.msnbc.com>
9PM - 10PM ET/ 6PM - 7PM PT
A special edition of Hardball!
With time running out, Chris Matthews and the best political experts on television
have everything you need to know about the California Recall Vote.
A special edition of Hardball - Tonight at 9 on MSNBC.

SCARBOROUGH COUNTRY (http://joe.msnbc.com)
10PM - 11PM ET/ 7PM - 8PM PT
David Robinson put his N.B.A. career on hold - and gave up millions of dollars to 
serve in the 
U.S. Navy.
So wait till you hear what "The Admiral" has to say to the critics bashing America's 
Bravest serving in Iraq.
On Scarborough Country, tonight at 10 on MSNBC. 

11PM - 12AM ET/ 8PM - 9PM PT

***Schedule Subject to change.


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