                Primetime on MSNBC
Thursday, February 12, 2004

THE ABRAMS REPORT <http://www.abramsreport.msnbc.com>
6PM - 7PM ET/3PM - 4PM PT
What evidence did police take from Neverland that the jury may never see?
And are the cops going too far to prosecute the King of Pop?
Dan is LIVE in California with a preview of a big day for the Jackson case on The 
Abrams Report. Tonight at 6 on MSNBC.

HARDBALL WITH CHRIS MATTHEWS <http://hardball.msnbc.com>
7PM - 8PM ET/ 4PM - 5PM PT
Is setting America's sights on North Korea's weapons, diverting attention from those 
we can't find in Iraq?
Chris and his Hardball panel debate the President's latest stand...
And ask where do we draw the line between national security and campaign strategy on 
Hardball with Chris Mathews.  Tonight at 7 on MSNBC.

COUNTDOWN WITH KEITH OLBERMANN <http://countdown.msnbc.com>
8PM - 9PM ET/ 5PM - 6PM PT
After four decades together, Barbie and Ken call it quits.
Keith reflects on the couples' happier times, and tells you
the real reason they landed in Splitsville.
Countdown with Keith Olbermann. Tonight at 8 on MSNBC.

DEBORAH NORVILLE TONIGHT  <http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3910275/>
9PM - 10PM ET/ 6PM - 7PM PT
Was it abuse or just following orders?
Deborah talks to 3 U.S. soldiers about their controversial discharge to see how 
high-up on the chain of command this story goes.
Can you handle the truth?
Don't miss this Deborah Norville Tonight Exclusive. Tonight at 8 on MSNBC.

SCARBOROUGH COUNTRY <http://joe.msnbc.com>
10PM - 11PM ET/ 7PM - 8PM PT
Is religion taking hold of NASCAR's marketing horsepower?
Joe has the real deal on the changes you'll see at the track and goes one-on-one with 
veteran driver Derrike Cope.
Take a few laps in Scarborough Country.  Tonight at 10 on MSNBC.

11PM - 12AM ET/ 8PM - 9PM PT

* Schedule subject to change.


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