Using Mark Kantrowitz old but very handy infix we noticed some peculiar pattern 
of errors where very basic expressions do not correctly convert infix 
expressions into prefix ones. The version I just tried was this one:

in => pre, red for incorrect

"a + 1"                 => (+ A 1)
"s + 1"                 =>  S+1
"s - 1"                 =>  S-1
"s * 1"         => (* S 1)
"a + 1.5"       => (+ A 1.5)
"s + 1.5"               => (+ S 1.5)
"s + s"         => (+ S S)
"s + 1 + 1"     => (+ S+1 1)
"s + 1e1"       => (+ S 10.0)

Can somebody see a pattern here? AFAIK, the combination of the one letter 
variables names that are characters D, E, F, L, or S followed by "+" or "-" and 
then followed by an int does not work. 

Is this a bug or some very special case that is supposed to work like this for 
no (to me) obvious reason? If this is bug, how could this have slipped through 
the net for so many years? I know many people have using this software. I tried 
various versions of infix.lisp. Are D, E, F, L, or S special tokens? If so, 
what do they mean, and where are they declared?

Confused,  Alex

---- test program spitting out the variable names not working ------

This should print nothing:

   #'(lambda (Char)
       (when (symbolp (read-from-string (format nil "#i(~A + 1)" Char))) ;; 
should be a list, NOT a symbol!
         (print Char)))

but prints:


Prof. Alexander Repenning

University of Colorado
Computer Science Department
Boulder, CO 80309-430


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