"Mark H. David" <m...@yv.org> wrote:

> Anyone with some thoughts on which command line parser is good to use?


> There seem to be n of them out there.

  Is n that big ?

> None really stands out, that I can tell.

  Damn. I need a Ph.D. in communication I guess :-) Try out mine:


> Must be quicklisp readable


> Just something simple

  It's not really "simple", but look at the quickstart from the user
manual. This will get you started quickly.

> Widely used would be good

  Probably not.

> well maintained.


Probably the most important caveat, currently, is that it's not tested
(and probably won't work) in ACL or LispWork because it requires
features that are not available in the free editions. I hope to fix that
soon however.

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