Antoniotti Marco
<> writes:

> Dear all,
> following up the CDR discussion that took place aside the European
> Lisp Symposium in Madrid a week ago, I prepared this document that
> specifies how a CL environment can test for the "presence" of a given
> CDR.
> I wanted to pass it around before submitting it formally to the CDR
> editors.


Specify what format 'n' has: the number of the CDR, represented in base
ten without leading 0s.


If multiple implementations of a given CDR are expected, perhaps we
should have keywords such as: :LISP=CL :BASE-CHAR=CHARACTER or
:WORD-SIZE=64 on *features*, so we could have:





So specify 2) that implementations of CDRs should do two things:

   (pushnew :cdr-{n} *features*)
   (push :cdr-{n}={implementation-identifier} *features*)


The absence of :cdr-{i} doesn't let infer anything about the present or
absent of CDRs from *features*.  The presence of :cdr-{n} should imply
the presence of :cdr-{i}.  What the presence of :cdr-{i} tells us, is
the meaning of the absence of :cdr-{n}: it means the CDR is not


     #+(AND CDR-{i} CDR-{n})   should be equivalent in meaning to
     #+CDR-{n}   and means CDR-{n} is present (definitely).

     #+(AND CDR-{i} (not CDR-{n})) means CDR-{n} is absent (definitely).

     #-(and CDR-{i} CDR-{n}) is equivalent to      
     #+(or (not CDR-{i}) (not CDR-{n})) which is not helpful:

           - CDR-{n} could implemented, but just :cdr-{n} not on
             *features*, which is possible since CDR-{i} is not

           - CDR-{n} could be not implemented, and therefore  :cdr-{n}
             is rightly not on *features*.

     #-(and CDR-{i} (not CDR-{n})) is equivalent to      
     #+(or (not CDR-{i}) CDR-{n}) which may mean that:
        cdr-{i} is absent and cdr-{n} is absent (see above)
     or cdr-{i} is absent and cdr-{n} is present, in case cdr-{n} is
        implemented, but not cdr-{i},
     or cdr-{i} is present and cdr-{n} is present (see first case).
     But the condition doesn't let us distinguish.

In conclusion, the only interesting expressions are:

#+cdr-{i}                           (is-implemented     CDR-{i}) 
#-cdr-{i}                           (is-not-implemented CDR-{i})

#+cdr-{n}                           (is-implemented     CDR-{n})
#+(and      cdr-{i}  (not cdr-{n})) (is-not-implemented CDR-{n})
#+(and (not cdr-{i}) (not cdr-{n})) (we-don-t-know-anything)

__Pascal Bourguignon__           
A bad day in () is better than a good day in {}.
You can take the lisper out of the lisp job, but you can't take the lisp out
of the lisper (; -- antifuchs

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