My cl-launch demo:

cl -sp lisp-stripper -i '(print-loc-count "asdf.lisp")'

Source code for lispwc:
#!/usr/bin/cl -sp lisp-stripper -E main
(defun main (argv)
  (if argv
      (map () 'print-loc-count argv)
      (print-loc-count *standard-input*)))

And of course:
for l in sbcl ccl clisp cmucl ecl abcl \
         scl allegro lispworks gcl xcl ; do
 cl-launch -l $l -i \
 '(format t "'$l': ~S~%" `#5(1 ,@`(2 3)))' \
 2>&1 | grep "^$l:" # LW, GCL are verbose


After recent exposure to Python at work, I grew an intense dislike for
that language, and realized that I could do everything in CL instead,
and that the remaining stumbling blocks to using CL as a "scripting
language" were quite small — just missing the ability to put
#!/usr/bin/cl in a script, and there you go.

And so, I added just this capability to cl-launch, improved it to have
some of the features of buildapp, and made sure it works without a
hitch on each of the 11 implementations with a command-line interface.
This in turn requires updating ASDF and UIOP, and so here we are with

Then, I found that I had to take the word out, and started editing
that way a paper that I'm preparing a paper for ELS 2014 (or else ILC
      ASDF3, or Why Lisp is Now an Acceptable Scripting Language

It's incredible how having to explain the code forces you to make it
actually simpler to use. Hence new option -sp in cl-launch, to load
a system and change the current package, all in one go. Hence also
having cl-launch build software with a sequence of --system --load --eval
instead of a single setup file and toplevel system like before:
people already understand a sequence of build commands.

Also new in ASDF3: command line argument support was improved with a
LispWorks workaround and a new argv0 function; with-input and
with-output accept pathnames as designating a file to open; the bundle
support was much improved and cleaned up; the upgrade mechanism was
slightly improved to cope with the class refactoring; bugs were found
and removed in pathname functions; a weird bug in SCL was worked


TODO: I'm considering modifying the default behavior of cl-launch to
launch a REPL and/or read commands from stdin, like a Unix shell does
when given no script and no commands to run. I'm reserving that for
another round of procrastination.

—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics•
To have a right to do a thing is not at all the same
as to be right in doing it.     — G.K. Chesterton

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