On Sun, Jul 5, 2015 at 10:48 AM, Paul Tarvydas <paultarvy...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The FBP model is kinda-like Actors (or CSP), with the embellishment that
> siblings cannot "see" or know about one another - they must ask their common
> parent to distribute messages.
> FBP essentially discards most of the O/S and uses a small handful of
> concepts, e.g. a scheduler, components, ports (queues), ready/wait queues.
> A very small "kernel" to handle only this set of concepts - entirely
> eschewing the use of processes - can be easily built.  If you can read C,
> then peruse https://github.com/guitarvydas/collate-fbp-classic for the most
> bare-bones implementation of these concepts I have come up with to date (the
> example is slightly more complicated than necessary, because the "Collate"
> problem (page 91 of Paul Morrison's FBP book) requires the use of bounded
> buffers).  If you don't read C, and are interested, ask me.
Interesting. How does that compare to the Chemical Abstract Machine
and/or Jean-Bernard Stefani's Kell Calculus?

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