> On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 3:36 PM, Attila Lendvai <att...@lendvai.name> wrote:
> >>> How might we get equivalent cheap ephemeral processes into a
> >>> contemporary Common Lisp implementation?
> >>
> >> In short, you need to write from scratch a new CL implementation. Current 
> >> ones are not designed with the Erlang constraints in mind.
> >
> > well, Nikodemus had some plans for green threads for SBCL and it
> > didn't sound like a rewrite.

There are two main reasons why Erlang(the VM, not so much the language IMO) is 
so effective in its niche:

1) Per-process(green thread) GC heap and no sharing between processes except 
through very narrow and explicit primitives. This makes Erlang code pretty safe 
for concurrency as long as you're not seeking to satisfy hard real-time 

2) It has a bytecode-interpreting VM in which each instruction is a safepoint 
and all I/O is non-blocking, basically implementing scheduler preemption in 
user space. This allow Erlang watcher processes to randomly kill worker 
processes and restart them. Being an interpreter is crucial here, because as 
soon as they tried compiling to native code(HiPE) they had problems with tight 
loops in pure Erlang code that would not yield to the scheduler and thus 
starved other processes. Almost nobody uses HiPE.
Erlang code can still block if it calls foreign code or it performs some 
syscalls that can't be avoided to block, but that's why they try to implement 
everything in pure Erlang - they switched the default SSL implementation to one 
written by them, a few years ago, because they had issues with OpenSSL.

So again, unless you're willing to implement something along those lines, you 
could have Erlang-style concurrency - which is still useful I guess - but you 
wouldn't achieve the rock-solid robustness for which the Erlang VM is so 
famous(except for inter-process message queues that are unbounded by default so 
you can easily use all memory if you're not careful).

Stelian Ionescu a.k.a. fe[nl]ix
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.

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