hunchentoot <> uses features:
>  You can compile Hunchentoot without SSL support - and thus without the
> need to have CL+SSL - if you add :HUNCHENTOOT-NO-SSL to *FEATURES*
> <>
> *before* you compile it.

Clack <> which can use five
different web-servers will load the appropriate system  when you start a
web server.

On 7 April 2016 at 07:35, Don Morrison <> wrote:

> ​On Wed, Apr 6, 2016 at 7:21 PM, Don Morrison <> wrote:
> > I suppose an attractive possibility might be to wrap some sort of
> > condition handler around the place inside ASDF that's trying to load
> > the cl-sqlite dependency, but I don't know my way around the ASDF
> > internals enough to have a sense of where that should be done, or if
> > it's even practical. Is there a good place inside of ASDF to do such
> > a thing? It seems fairly modular, so it seems likely. Maybe it's as
> > easy as defining a specialized method of some sort, or an :around
> > method on something or other?
> Ah, I now see that something like this is unlikely to be practical: am I
> correct in believing folks are likely to be operating with widely disparate
> versions of ASDF?
> It is beginning to appear that the most practical solution today, or at
> least the one least likely to cause further problems, is two different
> systems.
> ​​
> --
> Don Morrison <>
> "Swift had read Hobbes, an experience not easily forgotten."
>       -- Will and Ariel Durant, _The Age of Reason Begins_

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