Holy Smokes!! This is really interesting! Thanks for that. Looks like I’m going 
to dive down the rabbit hole for a while…

- DM

> On Jul 20, 2016, at 09:11, Gene Diveglia <gdiveg...@mac.com> wrote:
> Hi David,
> You might also find Trivia to be interesting. 
> https://github.com/guicho271828/trivia 
> <https://github.com/guicho271828/trivia>
> It is functionally compatible with Optima and in fact uses Optima’s test 
> suite.  However, it takes a different approach internally as well as making 
> available an alternative optimization strategy based on work by Balland et. 
> al. 2006 (Emilie Balland, Pierre-Etienne Moreau. Optimizing pattern matching 
> compilation by program transformation - 
> https://hal.inria.fr/inria-00000763v2/document 
> <https://hal.inria.fr/inria-00000763v2/document>) with details of the 
> implementation here:  https://github.com/guicho271828/trivia.balland2006 
> <https://github.com/guicho271828/trivia.balland2006>.  
>> On Jul 20, 2016, at 2:58 AM, David McClain <d...@refined-audiometrics.com 
>> <mailto:d...@refined-audiometrics.com>> wrote:
>> Having used the NAMED-READTABLES package for several days, I can state that 
>> it is very good for my purposes. Many thanks for pointing that one out.
>> For many years I had used the #T reader macro to refer to structs in my 
>> pattern matching compiler. Then I found CL-UNIFICATION and wanted to give it 
>> a try. And just as surely, Marco had also invented a #T reader macro for 
>> nearly the same purpose.
>> CL-UNIFICATION is quite powerful and useful, but is much more general than 
>> needed for pattern matching driven computations. Unification works in both 
>> directions between patterns and data, while pattern matching needs to go 
>> only from pattern to destructuring of incoming data. CL-UNIFICATION is also 
>> a runtime process, instead of being compiled into efficient in-line code.
>> So then I discovered a package called Optima that really is a pattern 
>> matching compiler, much like my own, which produces efficient in-line code 
>> to effect the pattern matching. I have to say that Optima really goes a bit 
>> further than my own compiler. I had used rearrangement of match clauses to 
>> gain longest common prefix matching. Optima goes further than this, taking 
>> cues from the more advanced concepts presented in “Optimizing Pattern 
>> Matching” by Fabrice Le Fessant and Luc Maranget. 
>> http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi= 
>> <http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=>
>> So, I have been replacing my MATCH with that from Optima. 
>> But along the way, I found that Optima demands linear patterns, and cannot 
>> handle repeated mention of variables in the pattern. At first this seemed a 
>> serious restriction. I imagine it is a requirement of the math involved in 
>> the Pattern Matrices mentioned in the paper by Fessant and Maranget.
>> I found a way to (mostly) overcome this restriction by including an 
>> Alpha-conversion preprocess ahead of the Optima compiler, allowing for 
>> repeated variables in a pattern by renaming the duplicates and tacking on a 
>> WHEN post-matching clause. This works well, except for OR patterns, which 
>> will require something more elaborate. 
>> So to overcome the OR pattern problems, I’m thinking of extending Optima 
>> with REF patterns to replace the VARIABLE nodes on the repeated symbols, 
>> giving the repeated symbols new names by alpha-conversion and having the REF 
>> symbols produce a comparison op. But then the question becomes - what kind 
>> of comparison op? I have been using EQL in my alpha conversions.
>> I also ran into the limitation that Optima wants proper lists as patterns 
>> and cannot handle terminal dotted vars representing the rest of the list. 
>> This was also easily solved by preprocessing de-sugaring ahead of its 
>> compiler.
>> Since I have modified the code for Optima a bit, I moved it to a local 
>> repository. I’m not plugged into any Git groups on the Web and so I won’t be 
>> updating the extant repositories in any way. But maybe these enhancements to 
>> Optima would be useful to others?
>> Cheers,
>> - DM

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