Would finalisers do the trick? 

Not part of the language itself, but many implementations support them. 

Various caveats apply. In particular you cannot guarantee when (or I guess 
whether) any particular resource will be finalised; only that the GC will get 
around to most resources in the fullness of time. So this solution might not 
meet your needs. 

- nick

> On 26 Aug 2016, at 06:38, David McClain <d...@refined-audiometrics.com> wrote:
> HI David,
> Yes, I think you put your finger on it. I had this odd sensation in the back 
> of my mind, that I had actually seen this behavior before. And then I 
> remembered C++-land. Automatic destructors called at function exit — a sort 
> of leaving scope operation.
> So yes, you understand correctly. And the question arises, is there anything 
> down in the bowels of Lisp, some little known feature, that can indicate 
> scope exit?
> Your scode / unscope fits pretty well, but so does when - unwind-protect. I 
> don’t see a lot of difference between them, except that you have a generic 
> de-scoping function.
> What I was hoping for was something during compile time that would be called 
> on scope-exit of bound variables. Something we might hook into.
> [ BTW, after completing that article I referenced, I had a deep sense of 
> relief that I don’t live in C/C++ land very much anymore. I truly appreciate 
> whatever Lisp has to offer. ]
> - DM
>> On Aug 25, 2016, at 20:13, David Holz <david.h...@grindwork.com> wrote:
>> On 08/25/2016 06:20 PM, David McClain wrote:
>>> What I’m wondering about is being able to declare an item, a special kind 
>>> of Constructor parameter, which refers to a system resource that needs 
>>> scavenging, such that I could forego the WITH- formalism? Maybe I’m asking 
>>> for too much here… how would we ever detect the item being stored? We’d 
>>> need reference counting, and I tend to dislike that approach very much..
>>> Anyone ever seen a system for resource reclamation that is better than 
>>> - DM
>> If I'm understanding correctly, your ideal would be something like this:
>> (let ((channel (make-channel ...)))
>> (do-stuff channel)
>> (do-other-stuff channel))
>> and at the end of the lexical scope, due to the fact that the channel object 
>> has something special done to it during construction, it automatically calls 
>> disposal routines of the channel right at that point?
>> I think that's going to be tough, as well as ambiguous.  You don't want 
>> every lexical binding that happens to bind a channel object to destroy it at 
>> the end of the scope, a la (let ((ch (channel-slot-accessor obj))) ...).  
>> You want only those which "locally create" an object (by some 
>> distinguishable means) to destroy it at the end.  I personally think that 
>> would imply some form indicating a specific scope type that determines an 
>> object lifetime, which really does boil back down to with-* forms again. It 
>> is the scope itself that rules the object lifetime, not the other way around.
>> Examples from other languages would be C++ RAII (which is a usage style, not 
>> exactly an explicit feature), and Python's context managers.  I think the 
>> Python example would be the closest to a style that would fit a CL 
>> abstraction, and this is actually something I've thought about for quite 
>> some time.
>> This is off the cuff, but abstracting out the with-* style seems to boil 
>> down pretty neatly:
>> (defmacro scope (var creation-form &body body)
>> `(let ((,var ,creation-form))
>>    (unwind-protect (progn ,@body)
>>      (unscope ,var)))
>> (defgeneric unscope (obj))
>> So along with the standard construction form of an object, you'd define an 
>> UNSCOPE method for an instance of it, and the abstract (scope ch 
>> (make-channel ...) ...body...) should Just Work™.  It's still built on top 
>> of UNWIND-PROTECT, but you as the programmer need not worry about it 
>> yourself.
>> -- 
>> David Holz
>> Director, Grindwork Corporation
>> http://www.grindwork.com/

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