Hello Faré,

Thanks for this.  I'd be interested in joining sharplispers.  Does anyone know 
the process for that?

I'm willing and likely capable of helping, but I don't have time to actively 
find a project to adopt.  So a more central place for issues to be handled, 
regardless of project, is attractive.

Maybe this could be a topic at the 2018 ELS in Marbella?


> On 17 Dec 2017, at 05:58, Faré <fah...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Many prominent CL developers have stopped maintaining their CL
> projects, as I myself may do soon:
> Nathan Froyd, Henrik Hjelte, Hans Hübner, David Lichteblau, Gabor
> Melis, Nikodemus Siivola, etc.
> Some of their projects have lots of unanswered PRs on github an some
> even break when compiled with a recent Quicklisp and/or the newest
> ASDF. Many don't break yet, but issue warnings and may break in the
> future.
> Some old farts like Gary King or I only do minimal maintenance of our
> own projects, and we're mortal — I'm considering quitting even that
> maintenance.
> Since I'm jumping ship, I won't be the one to fork these projects and
> give them a new home (though I'm available to do it, for my consulting
> fee, if there's enough of a market). Some of you CL professionals
> should do it and/or fund it. https://github.com/sharplispers might be
> a good home.
> —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org
> If being against something is a phobia, then being for is mania.
> Peace and understanding through slurs of mental illness.
> Homomania, islamomania, etc.

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