Thanks, Luis! I noticed update-all-dists too late, not sure how I missed
it. I bravely attempted (ql:update :cffi) but of course no luck, I guess
because you are saying:

> dist is, among other things, a list of URLs pointing to project
> snapshots that are known to work well with each other.

​But then the name ​"update-all-dists" seems off (checking my
understanding). Does it not update-all-*projects* in the one current dist?
Trying to answer my own question on The Google, I found this gem of a

...and the extensive :ql-dist package.

I guess I should not have skipped the instruction to contact Xach if I had
any questions. :)

Thanks again, hk

On Wed, Dec 27, 2017 at 5:53 AM, Luís Oliveira <> wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 26, 2017 at 7:43 PM, Ken Tilton <> wrote:
> > But I am curious, I will first try to see why uninstall did not work.
> When you first install Quicklisp, it will download the latest dist. A
> dist is, among other things, a list of URLs pointing to project
> snapshots that are known to work well with each other. (This is one of
> the key features of Quicklisp!) Uninstalling a project then
> reinstalling it doesn't achieve much since Quicklisp will again grab
> the very same project version, as determined by the dist.
> To update to the latest dist, you can use ql:update-all-dists. They're
> released monthly.
> Cheers,
> --
> Luís Oliveira

Kenneth Tilton

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