> On 4 Aug 2018, at 03:13, Alexandre Rademaker <aradema...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you Pascal. What I didn't understand is why the keybinds are so 
> different in the slime-repl-mode and in the lisp-mode while editing a .lisp 
> file.

Output in the slime repl buffer is rarely lisp forms.
And even input in the slime repl buffer is lisp forms only when you’re entering 
into the REPL itself. But if you’re running a lisp program, using read-line or 
read-char, you can edit and input anything there.

So there’s little reason why the key bindings in the slime repl buffer should 
be as restrictive as in a lisp buffer.

__Pascal J. Bourguignon__

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