> On Nov 2, 2018, at 21:19 , Daniel Herring <dherr...@tentpost.com> wrote:
> Hi Marco,
> I would just rely on the IEEE 754 values and define constants for 
> convenience.  Negative zero is an artifact of floating-point calculations, 
> not a symbol in math.  Don't forget that many values are classified as NaN 
> (common exponent, many fractions).

Thanks.  That is what I was thinking...

> C defines fpclassify() and related predicates to return NaN, infinite, zero, 
> subnormal, or normal.

Yes.  Bu the point is that I would like to stay in CL-land as much as possible.

> Obligatory reference:  What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About 
> Floating-Point Arithmetic by David Goldberg
> Rounding error causes loss of life:
> http://www-users.math.umn.edu/~arnold/disasters/patriot.html



> - Daniel
> On Fri, 2 Nov 2018, Antoniotti Marco wrote:
>> Dear all
>> I am fooling around (again!) with the spec of a math library that I want the 
>> students to work on as a project.  Language is Common Lisp.
>> Essentially the library is an extended generic math library built on the 
>> basis of the many ones floating around.
>> Now.  Here comes IEEE. And “infinity"
>> Among many implementations there is more or less a consensus about how to 
>> “represent” IEEE infinities in CL.
>> E.g.
>> LW > math:long-float-positive-infinity
>> +1D++0 #| +1D++0 is double-float plus-infinity |#
>> CCL ? math:long-float-positive-infinity
>> 1D++0
>> and so on.
>> NaN is not as clearly defined.
>> LW 45 > math:nan
>> 1D+-0 #| 1D+-0 is double-float not-a-number |#
>> CCL ? math:nan
>> 1D+-0 #| not-a-number |#
>> But to get a NaN in SBCL/CMUCL requires a trick.  I use
>> (sb-kernel:make-double-float -524288 0)) ; Courtesy of Raymond Toy.
>> In any case…  There are two issues that I would like to brainstorm a bit.
>> The first one pertains rounding modes.  Give the current state of affairs, 
>> it does not seem possible to access them in all the CL implementations.  
>> CMUCL/SBCL give you the necessary hooks, but LW doesn’t.
>>  Let’s skip this.
>> The second is just a simple question.
>> Given that we *do* have (with some acrobatics) access to IEEE infinities, 
>> would you add symbolic constants to such library like
>> (defconstant +posinf+ ‘+posinf+)
>> or would you just rely on the IEEE infinities?
>> Generic functions like
>> (defgeneric plus (x y) …)
>> Will obviously be affected.
>> I just want to get a feeling about the overall wisdom of this crowd.
>> All the best
>> Marco
>> --
>> Marco Antoniotti

Marco Antoniotti, Associate Professor           tel.            +39 - 02 64 48 
79 01
DISCo, Università Milano Bicocca U14 2043                       
Viale Sarca 336
I-20126 Milan (MI) ITALY

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