IRC action has moved to Libera SASL, because of some kerfuffle in freenode

On 18 Dec 2021, at 12:55, Michael Fiano wrote:

For the IRC channels see

Personally, I am not interested in using a proprietery service. IRC is where all the action is anyway.

On Sat, Dec 18, 2021, at 1:51 PM, Marco Antoniotti wrote:

I guess this is mostly for phoe...
What is the status of the IRC channels? I think I lost some bits during the year.

Also, anybody interested in a Discord channel or a group?

Happy holidays (especially Festivus)

Marco Antoniotti, Professor tel. +39 - 02 64 48 79 01 DISCo, Università Milano Bicocca U14 2043
Viale Sarca 336
I-20126 Milan (MI) ITALY

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