Le 24/01/2023 à 13:23, Daniel Kochmański a écrit :

You seem to be asking for opinions. I do think adding keyword args is fine. I 
believe Franz does this, and it works well.

This is certainly an established practice - another example is make-hash-table 
(and weakness arguments). That said it is annoying to quote two arguments, i.e

(make-hash-table #+ICL :weakness #+ICL :key
                  #+OPK :key-weakness #+OPK t)

You may use:

(make-hash-table :weakness :key :key-weakness t
                 :allow-other-keys t)

but there's the possibility two implementation have the same keyword argument with different values. (then you can use #+/#- just for the values).

__Pascal Bourguignon__

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