Raymond Wiker wrote:

>> > On 12 Feb 2023, at 11:47, Alessio Stalla <alessiosta...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > 
>> > Greetings everyone,
>> > 
>> > is there a well-known way to do the thing in the subject,
>> > i.e. ask the user for a password in a console application,
>> > reading from the keyboard without echoing anything to the
>> > terminal? Using a library is fine, SBCL only is fine, limited to
>> > some OS is not so fine but better than nothing. Any idea?

Just tested this for Allegro CL:

(eval-when (compile eval load) (require :osi))

(defun echo-off ()
  (let ((tm (excl.osi:tcgetattr *terminal-io*)))
    (setf (excl.osi:termios-lflag tm)
      (logandc2 (excl.osi:termios-lflag tm) excl.osi:*echo*))
    (excl.osi:tcsetattr *terminal-io* tm)))

(defun echo-on ()
  (let ((tm (excl.osi:tcgetattr *terminal-io*)))
    (setf (excl.osi:termios-lflag tm)
      (logior (excl.osi:termios-lflag tm) excl.osi:*echo*))
    (excl.osi:tcsetattr *terminal-io* tm)))

(defun prompt-for-value (prompt)
  (format t "~&~a " prompt)

(defun prompt-for-value/no-echo (prompt)
  (format t "~&~a " prompt)

(defun get-passphrase-from-user ()
  (prompt-for-value/no-echo "Passphrase?"))

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