Author: rocksun
Date: Thu Oct  9 04:06:08 2008
New Revision: 1517

finish ch03.xml, need a thorough review.


Modified: trunk/zh/ch03.xml
--- trunk/zh/ch03.xml   (original)
+++ trunk/zh/ch03.xml   Thu Oct  9 04:06:08 2008
@@ -848,29 +848,11 @@
 <sect1 id="irc">
 <title>IRC / 实时聊天系统</title>
-<para>Many projects offer real-time chat rooms using <firstterm>Internet
-Relay Chat</firstterm> (<firstterm>IRC</firstterm>), forums where users
-and developers can ask each other questions and get instant responses.
-While you <emphasis>can</emphasis> run an IRC server from your own
-web site, it is generally not worth the hassle.  Instead, do what
-everyone else does: run your IRC channels at Freenode
-(<ulink url=""/>).  Freenode gives you the control
-you need to administer your project's IRC
-channels,<footnote><para>There is no requirement or expectation that
-you donate to Freenode, but if you or your project can afford it,
-please consider a contribution.  They are a tax-exempt charity in the
-U.S., and they perform a valuable service.</para></footnote> while
-sparing you the not-insignificant trouble of maintaining an IRC server
-<para>The first thing to do is choose a channel name.  The most
-obvious choice is the name of your project&mdash;if that's available
-at Freenode, then use it.  If not, try to choose something as close to
-your project's name, and as easy to remember, as possible.  Advertise
-the channel's availabity from your project's web site, so a visitor
-with a quick question will see it right away.  For example, this
-appears in a prominently placed box at the top of Subversion's home
     <para><emphasis>If you're using Subversion, we recommend that you
@@ -884,30 +866,13 @@
-<para>Some projects have multiple channels, one per subtopic.  For
-example, one channel for installation problems, another for usage
-questions, another for development chat, etc. (<xref
-linkend="growth"/><phrase output="printed"> in
-<xref linkend="communications"/></phrase> discusses and how to
-divide into multiple channels).  When your project is young, there
-should only be one channel, with everyone talking together.  Later, as
-the user-to-developer ratio increases, separate channels may become
-<para>How will people know all the available channels, let alone which
-channel to talk in?  And when they talk, how will they know what the
-local conventions are?</para>
-<para>The answer is to tell them by setting the <firstterm>channel
-topic</firstterm>.<footnote><para>To set a channel topic, use the
-<literal>/topic</literal> command.  All commands in IRC start with
-"<literal>/</literal>".  See <ulink url=""/> if
-you're not familiar with IRC usage and administration; in particular,
-<ulink url=""/> is an
-excellent tutorial.</para></footnote>  The channel topic is a brief
-message each user sees when they first enter the channel.  It gives
-quick guidance to newcomers, and pointers to further information.  For
output="printed"><xref linkend="communications"/>的</phrase><xref
 You are now talking on #svn
@@ -919,116 +884,64 @@
 is released, see for details.
-<para>That's terse, but it tells newcomers what they need to know.  It
-says exactly what the channel is for, gives the project home page (in
-case someone wanders into the channel without having first been to the
-project web site), mentions a related channel, and gives some guidance
-about pasting.</para>
 <sidebar id="paste-sites">
-<title>Paste Sites</title>
-<para>An IRC channel is a shared space: everyone can see what everyone
-else is saying.  Normally, this is a good thing, as it allows people
-to jump into a conversation when they think they have something to
-contribute, and allows spectators to learn by watching.  But it
-becomes problematic when someone has to provide a large quantity of
-information at once, such as a debugging session transcript, because
-pasting too many lines of output into the channel will disrupt other
-<para>The solution is to use one of the
-<firstterm>pastebin</firstterm> or <firstterm>pastebot</firstterm>
-sites.  When requesting a large amount of data from someone, ask them
-not to paste it into the channel, but instead to go to (for example)
-<ulink url=""/>, paste their data into the form
-there, and tell the resulting new URL to the IRC channel.  Anyone can
-then visit the URL and view the data.</para>
-<para>There are a number of free paste sites available now, too many
-for a comprehensive list, but here are some of the ones I've seen used:
-<ulink url=""/>,
-<ulink url=""/>,
-<ulink url=""/>
-<ulink url=""/>
-<ulink url=""/>,
-<ulink url=""/>,
-<ulink url=""/>.</para>
+<ulink url=""/>、
+<ulink url=""/>、
+<ulink url=""/>、
+<ulink url=""/>、
+<ulink url=""/>、
+<ulink url=""/>,、
+<ulink url=""/>。</para>
 <sect2 id="bots">
-<para>Many technically-oriented IRC channels have a non-human member,
-a so-called <firstterm>bot</firstterm>, that is capable of storing and
-regurgitating information in response to specific commands.
-Typically, the bot is addressed just like any other member of the
-channel, that is, the commands are delivered by "speaking to" the bot.
-For example:</para>
 &lt;kfogel&gt; ayita: learn diff-cmd =
 &lt;ayita&gt;  Thanks!
-<para>That told the bot (who is logged into the channel as ayita) to
-remember a certain URL as the answer to the query "diff-cmd".  Now we
-can address ayita, asking the bot to tell another user about
 &lt;kfogel&gt; ayita: tell jrandom about diff-cmd
 &lt;ayita&gt;  jrandom:
-<para>The same thing can be accomplished via a convenient shorthand:</para>
 &lt;kfogel&gt; !a jrandom diff-cmd
 &lt;ayita&gt;  jrandom:
-<para>The exact command set and behaviors differ from bot to bot.  The
-above example is with <literal>ayita</literal>
-(<ulink url=""/>), of which
-there is usually an instance running in <literal>#svn</literal> at
-freenode.  Other bots include Dancer
-(<ulink url=""/>) and Supybot
-(<ulink url=""/>).  Note that no special server
-privileges are required to run a bot.  A bot is a client program;
-anyone can set one up and direct it to listen to a particular
-<para>If your channel tends to get the same questions over and over,
-I highly recommend setting up a bot.  Only a small percentage of
-channel users will acquire the expertise needed to manipulate the bot,
-but those users will answer a disproportionately high percentage of
-questions, because the bot enables them to respond so much more
 <sect2 id="irc-archiving">
-<title>Archiving IRC</title>
-<para>Although it is possible to archive everything that happens in an
-IRC channel, it's not necessarily expected.  IRC conversations may be
-nominally public, but many people think of them as informal,
-semi-private conversations.  Users may be careless with grammar, and
-often express opinions (for example, about other software or other
-programmers) that they wouldn't want preserved forever in an online
-<para>Of course, there will sometimes be <emphasis>excerpts</emphasis>
-that should be preserved, and that's fine.  Most IRC clients can log a
-conversation to a file at the user's request, or failing that, one can
-always just cut and paste the conversation from IRC into a more
-permanent forum (most often the bug tracker).  But indiscriminate
-logging may make some users uneasy.  If you do archive everything,
-make sure you state so clearly in the channel topic, and give a URL to
-the archive.</para>
@@ -1038,65 +951,23 @@
 <sect1 id="wikis">
-<para>A <firstterm>wiki</firstterm> is a web site that allows any
-visitor to edit or extend its content; the term "wiki" (from a
-Hawaiian word meaning "quick" or "super-fast") is also used to refer
-to the software that enables such editing.  Wikis were invented in
-1995, but their popularity has really started to take off since 2000
-or 2001, boosted partly by the success of Wikipedia (<ulink
-url=""/>), a wiki-based free-content
-encyclopedia.  Think of a wiki as falling somewhere between IRC and
-web pages: wikis don't happen in realtime, so people get a chance to
-ponder and polish their contributions, but they are also very easy to
-add to, involving less interface overhead than editing a regular web
-<para>Wikis are not yet standard equipment for open source projects,
-but they probably will be soon.  As they are relatively new
-technology, and people are still experimenting with different ways of
-using them, I will just offer a few words of caution here&mdash;at
-this stage, it's easier to analyze misuses of wikis than to analyze
-their successes.</para>
-<para>If you decide to run a wiki, put a lot of effort into having a
-clear page organization and pleasing visual layout, so that visitors
-(i.e., potential editors) will instinctively know how to fit in their
-contributions.  Equally important, post those standards on the wiki
-itself, so people have somewhere to go for guidance.  Too often, wiki
-administrators fall victim to the fantasy that because hordes of
-visitors are individually adding high quality content to the site,
-the sum of all these contributions must therefore also be of high
-quality.  That's not how web sites work.  Each individual page or
-paragraph may be good when considered by itself, but it will not be
-good if embedded in a disorganized or confusing whole.  Too often,
-wikis suffer from:</para>
-     <para><emphasis role="bold">Lack of navigational principles.</emphasis>
-     A well-organized web site makes visitors feel like they know
-     where they are at any time.  For example, if the pages are
-     well-designed, people can intuitively tell the difference
-     between a "table of contents" region and a "content" region.
-     Contributors to a wiki will respect such differences too, but
-     only if the differences are present to begin with.</para>
+     <para><emphasis 
-     <para><emphasis role="bold">Duplication of information.</emphasis>
-     Wikis frequently end up with different pages saying similar
-     things, because the individual contributors did not notice the
-     duplications.  This can be partly a consequence of the lack of
-     navigational principles noted above, in that people may not find
-     the duplicate content if it is not where they expect it to
-     be.</para>
+     <para><emphasis 
-     <para><emphasis role="bold">Inconsistent target audience.</emphasis>
-     To some degree this problem is inevitable when there are so many
-     authors, but it can be lessened if there are written guidelines
-     about how to create new content.  It also helps to aggressively
-     edit new contributions at the beginning, as an example, so that
-     the standards start to sink in.</para>
+     <para><emphasis 
@@ -1109,184 +980,61 @@
 prime it with well-written content, so people have a template to
-<para>The shining example of a well-run wiki is Wikipedia, though this
-may be partly 
-because the content (encyclopedia entries) is naturally well-suited to
-the wiki format.  But if you examine Wikipedia closely, you'll see
-that its administrators laid a <emphasis>very</emphasis> thorough
-foundation for cooperation.  There is extensive documentation on how
-to write new entries, how to maintain an appropriate point of view,
-what sorts of edits to make, what edits to avoid, a dispute resolution
-process for contested edits (involving several stages, including
-eventual arbitration), and so forth.  They also have authorization
-controls, so that if a page is the target of repeated inappropriate
-edits, they can lock it down until the problem is resolved.  In other
-words, they didn't just throw some templates onto a web site and hope
-for the best.  Wikipedia works because its founders thought carefully
-about how to get thousands of strangers to tailor their writing to a
-common vision.  While you may not need the same level of preparedness
-to run a wiki for a free software project, the spirit is worth
-<para>For more information about wikis, see
-<ulink url=""/>.  Also, the first
-wiki remains alive and well, and contains a lot of discussion about
-running wikis: see <ulink
-<ulink url=""/>, and
-<ulink url=""/> for
-various points of view.</para>
 <!-- ======================== SECTION ============================== -->
 <sect1 id="web-site">
-<title>Web Site</title>
-<para>There is not much to say about setting up the project web site
-from a technical point of view: setting up a web server and writing
-web pages are fairly simple tasks, and most of the important things to
-say about layout and arrangement were covered in the previous chapter.
-The web site's main function is to present a clear and welcoming
-overview of the project, and to bind together the other tools (the
-version control system, bug tracker, etc.).  If you don't have the
-expertise to set up a web server yourself, it's usually not hard to
-find someone who does and is willing to help out.  Nonetheless, to
-save time and effort, people often prefer to use one of the canned
-hosting sites.</para>
 <sect2 id="canned-hosting">
-<title>Canned Hosting</title>
-<para>There are two main advantages to using a canned site.  The first
-is server capacity and bandwidth: their servers are beefy boxes sitting
-on really fat pipes.  No matter how successful your project gets,
-you're not going to run out of disk space or swamp the network
-connection.  The second advantage is simplicity.  They have already
-chosen a bug tracker, a version control system, a mailing list manager,
-an archiver, and everything else you need to run a site.  They've
-configured the tools, and are taking care of backups for all the data
-stored in the tools.  You don't need to make many decisions.  All you
-have to do is fill in a form, press a button, and suddenly you've got
-a project web site.</para>
-<para>These are pretty significant benefits.  The disadvantage, of
-course, is that you must accept <emphasis>their</emphasis> choices and
-configurations, even if something different would be better for your
-project.  Usually canned sites are adjustable within certain narrow
-parameters, but you will never get the fine-grained control you would
-have if you set up the site yourself and had full administrative
-access to the server.</para>
-<para>A perfect example of this is the handling of generated files.
-Certain project web pages may be generated files&mdash;for example,
-there are systems for keeping FAQ data in an easy-to-edit master
-format, from which HTML, PDF, and other presentation formats can be
-generated.  As explained in
-<xref linkend="version-everything"/><phrase output="printed">
-earlier in this chapter</phrase>,
-you wouldn't want to version the generated formats, only the master
-file.  But when your web site is hosted on someone else's server, it
-may be impossible to set up a custom hook to regenerate the online
-HTML version of the FAQ whenever the master file is changed.  The only
-workaround is to version the generated formats too, so that they show
-up on the web site.</para>
-<para>There can be larger consequences as well.  You may not have as
-much control over presentation as you would wish.  Some of the canned
-hosting sites allow you to customize your web pages, but the site's
-default layout usually ends up showing through in various awkward
-ways.  For example, some projects that host themselves at SourceForge
-have completely customized home pages, but still point developers to
-their "SourceForge page" for more information.  The SourceForge page
-is what would be the project's home page, had the project not used a
-custom home page.  The SourceForge page has links to the bug tracker,
-the CVS repository, downloads, etc.  Unfortunately, a SourceForge page
-also contains a great deal of extraneous noise.  The top is a banner
-ad, often an animated image.  The left side is a vertical arrangement
-of links of little relevance to someone interested in the project.
-The right side is often another advertisement.  Only the center of the
-page is devoted to truly project-specific material, and even that is
-arranged in a confusing way that often makes visitors unsure of what
-to click on next.</para>
-<para>Behind every individual aspect of SourceForge's design, there is
-no doubt a good reason&mdash;good from SourceForge's point of view,
-such as the advertisements.  But from an individual project's point of
-view, the result can be a less-than-ideal web page.  I don't mean to
-pick on SourceForge; similar concerns apply to many of the canned
-hosting sites.  The point is that there's a tradeoff.  You get relief
-from the technical burdens of running a project site, but only at the
-price of accepting someone else's way of running it.</para>
-<para>Only you can decide whether canned hosting is best for your
-project.  If you choose a canned site, leave open the option of
-switching to your own servers later, by using a custom domain name for
-the project's "home address".  You can forward the URL to the canned
-site, or have a fully customized home page at the public URL and hand
-users off to the canned site for sophisticated functionality.  Just
-make sure to arrange things such that if you later decide to use a
-different hosting solution, the project's address doesn't need to
 <sect3 id="canned-hosting-choosing">
-<title>Choosing a canned hosting site</title>
-<para>The largest and most well-known hosting site is <ulink
-url="";>SourceForge</ulink>.  Two other
-sites providing the same or similar services are <ulink
-url="";></ulink> and <ulink
-url="";></ulink>.  A few organizations,
-such as the <ulink url="";>Apache Software
-Foundation</ulink> and <ulink
-I am employed by <ulink
-url="";>CollabNet</ulink>, which sponsors, and I use Tigris regularly.</para></footnote>, give free
-hosting to open source projects that fit well with their missions and
-their community of existing projects.</para>
-<para>Haggen So did a thorough evaluation of various canned hosting
-sites, as part of the research for his Ph.D. thesis,
-<citetitle>Construction of an Evaluation Model for Free/Open Source
-Project Hosting (FOSPHost) sites</citetitle>.  The results are at
-<ulink url=""/>, and see especially
-the very readable comparison chart at <ulink
url="";>Apache Software
+<para>Haggen So对于各式包装站点有一个完全的评估,作为他的博士论文研究的一部分,<citetitle>Construction of an 
Evaluation Model for Free/Open Source
+Project Hosting (FOSPHost) sites</citetitle>。结果在<ulink 
 <sect3 id="anonymity">
-<title>Anonymity and involvement</title>
-<para>A problem that is not strictly limited to the canned sites, but
-is most often found there, is the abuse of user login functionality.
-The functionality itself is simple enough: the site allows each
-visitor to register herself with a username and password.  From
-then on it keeps a profile for that user, and project administrators
-can assign the user certain permissions, for example, the right to
-commit to the repository.</para>
-<para>This can be extremely useful, and in fact it's one of the prime
-advantages of canned hosting.  The problem is that sometimes user
-login ends up being required for tasks that ought to be permitted to
-unregistered visitors, specifically the ability to file issues in the
-bug tracker, and to comment on existing issues.  By requiring a
-logged-in username for such actions, the project raises the
-involvement bar for what should be quick, convenient tasks.  Of
-course, one wants to be able to contact someone who's entered data
-into the issue tracker, but having a field where she can enter her
-email address (if she wants to) is sufficient.  If a new user spots a
-bug and wants to report it, she'll only be annoyed at having to fill
-out an account creation form before she can enter the bug into the
-tracker.  She may simply decide not to file the bug at all.</para>
-<para>The advantages of user management generally outweigh the
-disadvantages.  But if you can choose which actions can be done
-anonymously, make sure not only that <emphasis>all</emphasis>
-read-only actions are permitted to non-logged-in visitors, but also
-some data entry actions, especially in the bug tracker and, if you
-have them, wiki pages.</para>

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