I prefer using PostgreSQL as my database server, but still greatly appreciate all that MySQL has to offer, and have written several test application in VFP that select, update, insert, and delete table rows of a PostgreSQL database. I have experimented with both the cursor adopter of VFP8, and updateable views of VFP8, but my favorite is using VFP forms and grids to perform the updates, inserts, deletes, and selects using SPT to PostgreSQL. I also like to use perl with the html embedded within the perl code to interact with a PostgreSQL database. That works great for a dynamicly driven database web application.

I figure if I build my own base code, I will have a better understanding of how everything works and I will not then be dependent on any third party tools, which might become obsolete or increase expenses some where down the road, because of vendor lock in. <g> In the final analysis the cursor adopter and views are just wrappers around code that uses SPT. <g>



MB Software Solutions wrote:

Leland Jackson wrote:

Why wouldn't you want MySQL to handle all the heavy lifting of the data, including parent and child tables, auto-incrementing of primary keys, all indexes, all foreign key constrains (eg RI), all processing within transactions, etc? Then MySQL would retrun a record set based on SQL 92 to the VFP GUI. The data could be manipulated with the VFP GUI/Program, and then updated back to MySQL.

And that's absolutely what I'm doing. I use a tiered design so that VFP GUI simply expects a cursor, and the DataObject is responsible for creating that cursor, whether that means opening a VFP view or doing a SPT call against the non-VFP database to create the cursor (and then using Paul McNett's MakeUpdatable.prg code to make the SPT cursor updatable like a view---see Ed's downloads section for Paul's code if you're interested....slick!).

Eventually, I want to move it all to MySQL, but don't have the resources to do that all at once now, as I have clients using the app now, and am favoring a gradual approach where new features are implemented using the MySQL backend instead of VFP.

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