A section of land is 640 arces or one square mile, so it would be 104/640 of a square mile. Also, a football field (including the two end zones) is 360 feet long and 160 feet wide for a total of 57,600 square feet. When you take away the two 30-foot-long end zones at each end, the field is 48,000 square feet, making an acre about 91% of the field.

An acre which is a common measurement of land area, is equal to 43,560 square feet.


43560 x 104 / 48000 = would be about 94.38 football fields big.



Bill Arnold wrote:


"Among the many secrets the American government cannot keep, one of its biggest (104 acres) and most expensive ($592 million) is the American Embassy being built in Baghdad. Surrounded by fifteen-foot-thick walls, almost as large as the Vatican on a scale comparable to the Mall of America, to which it seems to have a
certain spiritual affinity, this is no simple object to
Well, 104 acres is not as large as all that. When you put up
an embassy in a war zone I don't see anything wrong with putting up thick walls and using 104 acres. That's essentially the size of a good-sized suburban tract-home development. It is larger than most city zoos and smaller than the Wild Animal Park in San Diego County.

Good point, but it will need to be protected in any case. That's
problematic in a hostile withdrawal situation, don't you think?

Of course, I live on a 20-acre parcel. Rather than make it sound really big by comparing it to the size of the Vatican, perhaps we could acknowledge just how tiny Vatican City is. That would make more sense to me.

I think the writer of that article just wanted to convey a sense of it's
size, and for some reason chose the Vatican to compare it to. I've never
been to the Vatican, so have no idea how big it is. In fact, I don't
know what 104 acres looks like, coming from the city, so I'm not getting
a visual from either metric. If they said it was 1/8th the size of
Central Park, that I can relate to <s>

-- Kris

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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