I'd blame George Bush.

--- Bill Arnold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This was a first for me. The Delaware River went on a rampage and
> flooded the area. Lots of houses along the river were damaged or
> destroyed. The water flooded this house's basement entirely, and was
> within 6 inches of the 1st floor when it stopped rising. It had been
> raining a lot here  lately, but I didn't think it was a big deal.
> Upstream is another story, though, and evidentially it's been raining
> there too!
> The river was a heckova sight! There was so much debris that I couldn't
> help but wonder where it was all coming from. 
> Fearing the water would continue to rise, I moved all my equipment into
> my RV and prepared to abandon ship, but then the water stopped rising.
> Now I've moved this machine and some other stuff  back in, but the
> forecast is for rain for 4 of the next 5 days, so I think I'll wait a
> bit and see what happens.
> Can't help but wonder if this is somehow related to 'global warming', or
> just a natural occurrence. The locals say they've never seen the river
> rise that high in all their lives. But then I've heard that the river
> floods like this every hundred years or so.
> One surreal aspect is that yesterday, while the water was rising, the
> sun was shining! And now today, it's shining again - as if nothing
> happened. I suppose the whole thing would have been fun to watch - it
> was a sight to see - had it not been so destructive. I didn't lose
> anything personally, but the furnaces and hot water heaters in the
> basement are submerged (being pumped out now) and probably gonzo. Might
> be a while before we see hot water again. 
> Bill
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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