The word is getting out about diesel. This article appeared in today's Washington Post:


 Grease Guzzlers

   These Folks Fuel Their Diesel Cars With Cooking Oil. Slick, Huh?

By Allan Lengel <>
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, July 1, 2006; Page B01

In these days of eye-popping gas prices, Mike Leahy gets fuel for his Volkswagen Beetle at the Barking Dog, a popular Bethesda pub. Shane Sellers fuels up at a Chinese restaurant in Frederick. And Ben Tonken heads to a Tex-Mex eatery in the District.

"There's a bit of a smell when you get out," said Leahy, a D.C. lawyer. "A slight french fry smell. I kind of like it; it's kind of sweet. It smells better than diesel."

Welcome to the world of greasel -- the shorthand some use for grease and diesel. Leahy and the others are among a tiny but growing band of environmentalists and thrifty consumers who are turning to restaurants for free, used vegetable oil to fuel their diesel-engine cars.

With a little filtration and a car conversion kit, oil that once fried potatoes, egg rolls or tortilla chips is ready for its second act: air pollution fighter.

Sure, saving the world would be nice. But these folks don't really expect to. Most seem to be getting their hands greasy more to prove a point: There are alternatives to fossil fuels, and vegetable oil, according to studies, burns cleaner than diesel fuel. What's more, it can save money.

As for performance, drivers say there's virtually no difference. Wear and tear on the engine is the same, as is acceleration. So is gas mileage: about 40 to 55 miles per gallon, depending on the vehicle.

When Sellers, 31, bought an $800 conversion kit two years ago, "it had nothing to do with fuel prices; it was just a decision on having some sort of independence and challenging the use of fossil fuels," said the adjunct professor of art at Frederick Community College.

But with gas prices skyrocketing, he's saving $80 to $100 a month. Sellers is already on his second grease car, a 2002 VW Golf hatchback. He installed the conversion kit himself, but those who lack the mechanical chops pay an average of $900 to have it done. Installation in trucks can cost as much as $2,500.

Sellers's car still uses diesel when it has to. But once the engine and the vegetable oil warm up, he flips a switch to convert to vegetable oil, which is stored in a separate fuel tank. He burns through about 30 gallons a month, mostly canola oil.

The concept of vegetable oil as fuel is more back-to-the-future than leading edge. In 1900, an engineer named Rudolf Diesel used peanut oil to demonstrate his new high-compression engine at the World Exposition in Paris. Historians say he hoped that small-scale farmers would be able to "grow" their own fuel. But petroleum-based fuels soon became plentiful and cheap and wound up the fuel of choice.

More than 100 years after the world's fair, the "greasers," as some enthusiasts call themselves, are once again piquing the public's curiosity.

About a half-dozen times a day, as businessman Ben Tonken's silver 2002 VW Jetta station wagon idles at a red light, fellow motorists pepper him with questions after spotting the car's "powered by vegetable oil" decal.

"Some people laugh," said Tonken, 32, of Rockville, as he drove in Northwest Washington. "That's unfortunate. They're the nonbelievers."

Jim Hickey, 46, of New Market also gets his share of wisecracks as he drives his 1984 Volvo equipped with a VW diesel engine. He fuels his car with canola oil that has fried tempura shrimp, vegetables and chicken at The Orchard, his whole-foods restaurant in Frederick.

"It smells more like a chicken barbecue," Hickey said. "Everyone laughs about it." And some ask: "How's the tempura taxi running?"

Jokes aside, the idea is catching on, said Lee Briante, a spokesman for Greasecar in Amherst, Mass., one of the largest manufacturers of conversion kits.

The company has gone from selling about 20 kits a month in 2000 to as many as 100 a week this year, he said. In its six years of existence, the company has sold 3,000 kits nationwide, including 50 in Virginia, 30 in Maryland and 10 in the District.

"In general, we see a direct relationship with fuel prices to sales," Briante said. "Over the last two years, I'd say more folks just can't afford to run their vehicles."

There is no official count of the number of U.S. vehicles fueled by pure vegetable oil. Briante and Charles Anderson, owner of Golden Fuel Systems of Springfield, Mo. , another leading manufacturer of conversion kits, guess that there are 8,000 to 10,000.

Still, Jonathan Overly, executive director of the East Tennessee Clean Fuels Coalition, sees limited growth ahead. "It's really going to be your green community," he said. And people must be determined enough to collect used oil from restaurants.

"There's a whole lot of individuals who /don't/ want to do that," Overly said.

Leahy, a lawyer for a wildlife conservation group, noted that the resources are finite. "I don't think there's enough used cooking oil to fuel the masses," he said.

A more practical option, Overly and others said, is biodiesel, a more sophisticated formulation that combines plant or animal fats and some form of alcohol, such as methanol. It burns cleaner than conventional diesel fuel and requires no conversion kit for the diesel engine.

Some municipalities, including Falls Church, use biodiesel to run fleets of trucks or buses. About 75 million gallons were produced in the United States last year.

Another popular alternative, ethanol fuel, is a mix of fermented corn sugar and gasoline that can be used in regular car engines. Last year, nearly 4 billion gallons were produced across the country.

Still, the "greasers" remain true to their low-tech fuel. And for now at least, getting grease is a cinch. Most restaurants have to pay to dispose of it, so they're happy to give it away.

One recent evening, Leahy pulled up to the Barking Dog in downtown Bethesda to pick up his fuel, which he would take home to filter.

As kickball players filed through the front door for a night of beer and frivolity, owner John McManus brought out a five-gallon pickle pail for Leahy. The pickles were long gone; soy oil sloshed to the brim.

"I wish everyone would do it," McManus said.

/Staff researcher Karl Evanzz contributed to this report./








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