> Clearly you don't know what you're talking about. 
> There are many people on this board with .mil mail
> addresses who make their living working for the
> Nation's defense. 

And what part of what I said does this refute?

> Additionally, there are huge breakthoughs in
> microchip, robotic, optic, radar, sonar, satellite,
> and other technologies that wouldn't be developed if
> not for the military.

It would all happen anyway.

> All the people who work on the base or around a base
> make a living too including restaurants, grocery
> stores, dry cleaners, office buildings, etc.

And what part of what I said does this refute?

> Finally, not having a superior, well-funded military
> is not an option, so why argue about it.

We're decades past achieving MAD. No country on Earth is going to attack
us. That leaves borderless terrorism, which we can't send a giant army
or navy to defeat. Before you say "we did beat them", I'll say "we
created more than we defeated". The ME is now an open, festering sore,
thanks to your heroes. And you're still listening to them?

Unless you've got a few more stupid, senseless pre-emptive wars planned,
what exactly are you going to do with this giant military machine?
Admire it? Keep feeding it? For what?

I'm saying transform it. Part to join with UN forces for when force
absolutely, positively must be used, and the rest assigned to building
and humanitarian missions. There are more than a billion people in the
world today who are suffering and in need of help. It doesn't take a
genius to connect those dots.


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