So a few months ago I suggested that a client of mine
put up a simple website.  Nothing fancy, about 5-10
hours of work, which would have included getting a
domain name, hosting site, writing the HTML, and
showing them how to update it if they want to.

So yesterday I walk in to take care of this
disk-corruption problem and my contact there says I
have good news and bad news for you.  The good news is
that management decided to get a website, the bad news
is that the elected president's daughter is now on the
payroll doing it.  LOL 

I said, "how can that be a full-time job?"

Now this is a non-profit organization that is paid for
by a cooperative of about 1000 members, so this is
just criminal what they're doing.  This woman is
working 40 hours a week "at home" on a site that is
absolutely horrible.  

Literally, the site could have been put up me in 10
hours, and a expert website designer probably in 5. 
It looks like a 10yo designed it.  Maybe her kid did
it. LOL

So far she's logged months of hours. LOL

So now I'm wondering, now that I know, if I'm liable
for not notifying the other trustees or could I be
charged later with complicity?  This has got to be
breaking some laws.

Additionally, this knucklehead installed this Spector
Pro key logging software, which I don't know if it was
authorized by the president or whether this is a
fishing expedition.  But since it is the president's
daughter, I obviously can't say a word.  The
accountant, which I work with directly, showed me the
software and asked me what I thought of their new
anti-virus software.  I told her it wasn't anti-virus,
it was key logging software.  So obviously the bill
was paid through the accountant as anti-virus
software.  Now she's worked for the company for like
15 years and now she's steamed.  

What snakes.

I'm thinking of bailing completely on this client as
it looks like things are going to get real bad real
soon.  I'd rather not get involved anymore since the
prospects of new work is zero.

It ain't what you know, it's who's your daddy. LOL

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