Reply-To: profox@leafe.com

> An associate (and heavy-duty consultant for Accenture) like to quote
> "There are 23 problems in computer science, and we keep solving them
> over, and over and over."

Got his email address?  ;-)

> I think there is a Fallacy of Generalization here:

Mebbe this is why we can't yet build robots like Asimov wrote about 8-)

Seems to me there's general bits and specific bits.
The general part is really pretty easy, at least in concept; 
take this list of stuff and put it into the corresponding places on this 
other list.  If something goes wrong do that.

This seems almost too obvious to speak it, but presumably the difference
between what you said to start with ("there's lots of things doing this") &
what you said just there ("a generalised solution is difficult, complex, &
expensive) means there's nothing that works like this just now 8-)

> And how do you handle conflicts? Failures to update? Connectivity
> errors? At the high end, MQ Series and MSMQ queue changes from source
> to target, retry after failures, report conflicts, etc.

Details, details... 8-)
I bet you're right. It's too hard to do as a completely automatic thing...
yet 8-)

Mark Stanton
One small step for mankind...

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