I didn't have any issues with installing XP Pro over XP Home on my laptop. I have issues with XP Pro though.

Your network issues are probably XP Pro issues (as mine are). XP Pro screws down your system even tighter than Home so my Home and Win2K machines have a hell of a time connecting or viewing my one XP Pro machine's resources. I usually have to transfer stuff from/to the Pro Laptop when necessary.

After installing Pro on my laptop I decided to leave my main dev machine alone (keep it at Home, anyone want to buy an XP Pro "upgrade" CD?) and have had NO problems like those that reared their ugly heads with Pro on my laptop. I've also had no problems with heavy VFP Development on my Desktop.

It appears that the only damn thing missing in Home vs. Pro is the ability to join a domain. I don't have domains, just a workgroup on my network so I don't need that. I put Pro on my laptop just to connect with one client who was using domains -- then I retired...
T.t.t.t.timing is everything... :-)


Steve Ellenoff wrote:

If you have a choice, do a clean install. I've got a notebook that I had no choice to install pro over, and although it went fine, it continues to have occasional networking issues that I've never had problems on machines were I did a pro install from scratch.

At 10:03 PM 8/8/2006, you wrote:

My new machine came with XP Home. To get my office up and printing, I put in a few programs.

Can I "upgrade" the XP Home with XP Pro -- or do I need to do a clean install?

Thank you.

--  Charles --
Website: http://oz.uc.edu/~enzerch

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