If I could answer those questions, I'd be King!


-----Original Message-----
Of Leland Jackson
Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2006 4:08 PM
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: [OT] to start the healing process

Why do the Arabs and Jews hate/fear one another?  When a child is 
brought into the world, whether Arab or Jew, they have no hate/fear.  
Hate/fear is learned.  How are the Arab children taught to hate/fear the 
Jewish people?  How are the Jewish children taught to hate/fear the Arab 
people?.  How is a Shiite child and a Sunni child of Iraq taught to 
hate/fear.  How is the American child taught to hate/fear?

When the world realizes it is teaching hate/fear, and the people of the 
world have had enough, then respect, understanding, tolerance and love 
will be taught to the children.  Only then can there be peace throughout 
the world.



john harvey wrote:

>So how do you propose to get the Arabs to do this? When they are sworn to
>kill the infidels (which means all non Muslims), how do you get beyond
>Trust me, it will happen when pigs fly, and the lion lays down with the
>-----Original Message-----
>Of Leland Jackson
>Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2006 2:58 PM
>To: ProFox Email List
>Subject: Re: [OT] to start the healing process
>Yes, I realize one of the major obstacles in bring peace to the middle 
>east is integration between Arab and Jew seems out of the question.  
>Without integration the Arab and Jew have no basis for a healthy 
>relationship, because they have no way to really get to know one 
>another  to become trusting friends.  It is only in segregation that the 
>walls of hate/fear between parties can be shaped in the minds of the 
>young.  These hate/fear impressions, itched deeply into the minds and 
>soul of children only one, two, and three years of age will persist 
>throughout their life times.
>Here is one example of a heritage that breed segregation rather than 
>integration.  My brother Jim, during his high school days at Woodrow 
>Wilson High, had a Jewish girl friend.  At some point during the 
>relationship, marriage was discussed.  Jim, after having a few drinks on 
>day even went so far as driving down to Mexico with his girl friend in 
>an attempt to get married.
>Soon after the parent's of Jim's girl friend visited the family and were 
>very strongly opposing the relationship.  One question that came up was 
>whether Jim had been circumcised, which he was, but from the 
>conversation it seem obvious that if had not been circumcised, that 
>could be used as a point to break up the relationship.
>Until the children of the Arab and Jewish people are allowed to go to 
>school together, play together, visit each other for sleep overs, and 
>see one another as all part of the same human race with many more 
>similarities than differences, the fear/hate will continue, and there 
>can be no trust.
>Still there is hope.  I don't think America, as a country, has the right 
>to favor one country over another, or one people over another.  God love 
>all people, and we should learn to all love one another.  To favor one 
>country, while bombing the other country back to the 17th Century, will 
>dig the US into a deeper hole.  The Jewish people must find a way to 
>integrate with their neighbor, so as to spread goodwill, trust, and 
>understanding, a kind of really getting to know each other.  This could 
>take many generations to occur, because of the customs of hate/fear and 
>sepregation that are so deeply rooted between the cultures of the middle 
>john harvey wrote:
>>I don't think you can deprogram people who have had this hatred inculcated
>>into even their nursery rhymes. All through their developmental years,
>>are told to hate the infidels. This "aggression" has existed since the
>>of Abraham and it isn't likely to stop. The best we can hope for is a
>>Those won't last either. The Muslims don't really appear to want peace,
>>want extinction of the Jews. I cannot believe the liberal Jews who gave
>>the Golan heights, and I as much as predicted the outcome of giving your
>>enemy the high ground. I think we should just back away for a while and
>>the Israeli's take care of business. They won't kill them all, unless the
>>Muslims attempt to bring nukes out. Maybe Israel will be comprised of Iraq
>>and Iran too, if we leave them alone for a few weeks!
>>-----Original Message-----
>>Of Leland Jackson
>>Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2006 1:44 PM
>>To: ProFox Email List
>>Subject: Re: [OT] to start the healing process
>>Hey Michael, what would Jesus do.  I am more inclined to think that 
>>rehabilitation would be a better solution.  Some of these extremist, 
>>once deprogrammed form their hate/fear, might even become law abiding 
>>citizens, willing to work towards a world filled with peace and 
>>harmony.  You cannot fight terror with terror; because, it only adds 
>>fuel to the flames of fear/hate.  Terror breeds Terror, hate/fear breeds 
>>more hate/fear.  It would be better to rehabilitate and forgiven, than 
>>to enlarge the circle of violence which is cyclically self perpetuating.
>>1)  What is needed is diplomacy that brings mutual respect and 
>>understanding between competing factions.  We need a strong UN, 
>>respected by all parties, and capable of mediating disputes in a fair 
>>and impartial manner.
>>2) Next we should begin to deal with the root causes that are driving 
>>Islamic extremism, like social injustices because of discrimination in 
>>employment,  religious and racial bigotry, and discrimination in the 
>>criminal justice system, for example.
>>3)  Also, Americans need to realize they are allowing the new media, 
>>Evangelical Christians, and the Neo-conservative Bush Administration to 
>>terrorize and propagandize the public with fears of impending doom from 
>>radical Islamist.  Consequently, the America public is sending 
>>representative to Washington that are bargaining away their 
>>constituent's rights, freedoms, due process, and privacy guaranteed by 
>>the Constitution and Bill of Rights.  If Americans allow their 
>>Constitutional rights to be bargained away for a promise by our 
>>government of protection,  Americans will neither be free or safe, 
>>because that is a fools bargain.  It is up to the America people to 
>>fight the fight, and walk the walk to protect American and keep her 
>>independent and free.  If the American people don't take a stand today, 
>>the Neo-conservative will be writing a book in about two year titled 
>>"How to turn a Democratic Free Society into a Police Dictatorship in 
>>Eight Short Years".
>>The Bush Administration policies to terrorize the ME, and especially 
>>Iraq, by bombing any country that poses the slightest threat to Israel 
>>or the US back into the 17th Century, has been proved a failed policy.  
>>We need a new enlighten direction for our country, and we need to help 
>>all countries to grow and prosper, even as the US grows and prospers.
>>Michael Madigan wrote:
>>>The Muslims want to kill us.  Hugging them will not
>>>change things.  Middle-Class English Citizens are
>>>plotting to blow up airlines.  These people must be
>>>--- Bill Arnold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>I think we should start the healing process with the
>>>>Muslim world by
>>>>putting the neocons, starting  with the architect of
>>>>the Iraq invasion,
>>>>Wolfowitz, on trail for war crimes, i.e. mass murder
>>>>and the destruction
>>>>of a country for special interest motives. That
>>>>wouldn't be the end of
>>>>it because we'll still have to deal with Big Oil and
>>>>the MI Complex's
>>>>involvement, and getting AIPAC out of this country
>>>>and putting Israel in
>>>>it's place, but it's all interwoven - as that trial
>>>>would bring out.
>>>>Such a trial will rivet the attention of the world
>>>>and give us a real
>>>>chance to actually end what they started.
>>>>Oh, you say you're not tired of war yet? It's not
>>>>your mother in your
>>>>kitchen crying, or your brother in a wheel chair, so
>>>>why stop the drama
>>>>now? You want to let it go on for another couple of
>>>>years, so we can
>>>>have this conversation again, around the time we're
>>>>at each other's
>>>>throats over it? 
>>>>And for what? Is it that we're all making so much
>>>>money off the MI
>>>>complex? Big Oil? Are we collectively programmed to
>>>>be so terrified of
>>>>the anti-Semitic finger that we just don't talk
>>>>about AIPAC? These are
>>>>the forces that brought us this war, these are our
>>>>enemy within, and we
>>>>will not get on the road to peace unless and until
>>>>we deal with them. We
>>>>can do it tomorrow or we can wait until they start
>>>>with the nukes "for
>>>>the cause". One thing you can be sure of is that
>>>>they will NOT give up
>>>>EVER. What makes this situation so extremely
>>>>dangerous is that the enemy
>>>>will not give up, EVER, either. As a very practical
>>>>matter, that leaves
>>>>us with a choice: either we reign these forces in,
>>>>or we continue to pay
>>>>the price for not having done so.
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