I'm trying to extract all of the data from an Access MDB into VFP tables
in a database container so that I can process the data in VFP...

The sample code is below...

In SOME cases (about 4 of 51 tables) when I try to open the resulting table I get the message:

     "Database is invalid, Please Validate"

When I validate, it deletes the tables...Not good I need a couple of them.

Output from VALIDATE:

Validate Database ACCESSACCESS:
Rebuilding structural index....  Index rebuilt.
Object #2664 (Table 'people'): Cannot open table 'c:\lifering\people.dbf'.

I tried a "set step" after the sqlexec() and then tried to browse the cursor "ac_table" and got:

  "The data source for this object must be a variable reference."

which, as usual, makes no frickin' sense...

What's going ON? How can I get the data I need and be able to use it in VFP?

PS: The same thing happens in VFP 8 and VFP 9...


My basic need is to extract the data from about 6 or 7 of the tables, potentially edit, add, delete records and then save the changes back to the Access MDB. Maybe there's a better way???

*-- *************************************
*-- This is a sample of the code I'm executing for
*-- each of 51 tables in an access database (.MDB)
*-- I've enclosed it in a loop, of course...

*-- Create CLEAN new database (yes, it was deleted)

*-- Connect to Access
lcMDB = GETFILE('mdb')
lnHandle = SQLStringConnect("Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=" + lcMDB)

*-- table to get
lcTableName = "People"

*-- Select all records from the Access Table
WAIT WINDOW "Get records for " + lcTableName NOWAIT
USE IN SELECT("ac_table")
SQLEXEC(lnHandle, "select * from " + lcTableName, "ac_table")
IF USED('ac_table')
   SELECT ac_table
   IF RECCOUNT() > 0
       *-- Write table if got some
       COPY TO &lcTableName. DATABASE AccessAccess
lnHandle = .NULL.

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