At 09:28 AM 9/25/2006 -0400, Ed Leafe wrote:
On Sep 25, 2006, at 8:54 AM, Charlie Coleman wrote:

Now, comparing Satan and Hitler. There's a problem here, comparing
human to non-human. Satan embodies evil and he's the chief of
deceivers. Hitler committed incredibly evil acts. Satan doesn't
have any direct power in the world, but us humans do.

        Sorry, but if you are comparing Satan to Hillary running for the
office of President of the United States, it is incorrect to claim
that he couldn't have any direct power in the world. If you are

The point is, Satan cannot run for office. Every Christian knows this (IMO). That's why trying to make such a comparison 'real' is not possible. And that is why I think most Christians would pretty much ignore such a statement/comparison.

So, if someone hears "Satan" is running for office, they'd most
likely be amused but pay it little heed. But Hillary, and her past
actions/views, is very visible. Her record regarding Christianity
is there for all to see. So I can see why Falwell made such a joke.

OIC - when a high-profile Christian such as Jerry Falwell uses these
references, we're all supposed to laugh along. But when some
anonymous, unknown jerk submits a ridiculous video about Bush, well,
we're supposed to be outraged!!

You took what I said too far. But maybe I mis-spoke. In context, when I said, "So, if someone hears "Satan" is running..." I meant "So, if a Christian hears "Satan" is running..." I didn't mean to imply that everyone in the world would, or should, think the same way. Some people believe there are evil spirits doing things to us all the time. Some believe there are no such thing as spirits.

Next, do you disagree that Falwell was talking in joking manner? If you don't like the joke he made of course you don't have to laugh. And, in fact, if you find it offensive you have every right to make a stink out of it. And you have every right to voice your opinion. And if I find a video distasteful, even if it too was in jest, I have a right to make a stink about that. The point is that I believe he said it in terms of joking. If Falwell was truly saying stuff like, "Hey, lets tell all Christians that Hillary is worse than the devil. That will make them get out and vote. So here, you guys say 'this' and you guys over there say 'that'. Then in the primary, we'll mention Satan whenever Hillary comes on stage..." - well then, Falwell should be committed. And, in fact, I believe most Christians would "dump" him quick. But do you think that is what Falwell was saying? Like he was actually laying out a strategy for the elections?

I'm not sure what anti-Bush video you're talking about. Was that the one on that people threw a fit about? Was it submitted as a satire or comical piece?

        This was my point: that when you don't like the target of such
comments, people will find a way to explain it away; to make it
innocuous. But when the target is one of your guys, why, there is no
punishment harsh enough to satisfy our outrage! I think that you've
demonstrated this nicely.

And, conversely, when you find something you don't like you'll find a way to vilify it. I think you've demonstrated that very well yourself. So here we are, vilifying each other and each other's opinions and attitudes. You'd think that evolution would have knocked this out of our nature by now, huh?



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