I use SQL Express Profiler, is open source.


Start a New Trace, set the necessary login information and in the Events Panel
make sure only these check-boxes rows are selected, to avoid too much noise:


Then select Run.

Execute your VFP query vs SQL-Server and your query will be logged with the 
exact code sent to SQL-Server.

Happy debugging! ;)


On Wed, 23 Nov 2011 14:49:57 -0300, Rafael Copquin <rcopq...@fibertel.com.ar> 

I would like to follow a stored procedure behaviour line by line, as one 
can do in VFP with the debugger.
I need to know what is the value of the parameters received by the SP  
as they are passed from VFP via SPT, to determine why the heck the SP is 
not working

What are the commands in TSQL or the way to do it in SQL Server?
I mean, is there a menu option to check to start the debugger in SQL 
Server Express or there is no such thing?


Rafael Copquin

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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